jonah in English

(in the Bible) a Hebrew minor prophet. He was called by God to preach in Nineveh, but disobeyed and attempted to escape by sea; in a storm he was thrown overboard as a bringer of bad luck and swallowed by a great fish, only to be saved and finally succeed in his mission.

Use "jonah" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jonah" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jonah", or refer to the context using the word "jonah" in the English Dictionary.

1. Jonah completes the book of Jonah 1:1, 2

2. Why did Jonah become sullen?

3. (Jonah 2:10) Imagine —after all that, Jonah did not even have to swim ashore!

4. Jonah must have had some desirable qualities.

5. A huge fish swallows Jonah (17)

6. America gonna be 100 years, Jonah.

7. This is because “Jehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, so that Jonah came to be in the inward parts of the fish three days and three nights.”—Jonah 1:17.

8. (Jonah 3:3) Three times, the record of Jonah quotes Jehovah as referring to “Nineveh the great city.”

9. Gives no sign but sign of Jonah

10. (Jonah 1:1-3) Later, when his preaching activity had succeeded in causing the Ninevites to repent, Jonah sulked.

11. Jonah lived in the ninth century B.C.E.

12. Jonah evidently responded well to Jehovah’s counsel.

13. Learn from the experience of the prophet Jonah.

14. (Jonah 4:5-11) That Jonah learned a valuable lesson is evident by the candid account that he himself recorded.

15. Jonah later described how he felt at this time.

16. Sa: (to Jonah) you called the radion station?

17. How Jonah rejoices over the bottle-gourd plant!

18. Jarvis, you ever hear the tale of Jonah?

19. Clearly, Jonah did learn from Jehovah’s wise instruction.

20. Jehovah “appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah

21. After three days and three nights, the fish brought Jonah right to the shore and “vomited out Jonah onto the dry land.”

22. At first, Jonah took to flight without fulfilling the assignment.

23. What proves the account of Jonah to be authentic?

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25. Jonah obeyed, and as a result, the Ninevites repented en masse.

26. Jonah, he's dragging dead animals around with their guts falling out.

27. What do we learn from the examples of Nehemiah and Jonah?

28. Innocent men were about to perish, all because of Jonah!

29. Crochet kid Jonah Larson is Auctioning off the original "Jonah Doll" through Roots Ethiopia to help support his eponymous library in the African village where he …

30. I might as well be dead!’—Jonah 4:1-3.

31. My name is Jonah Wasswa, Minister of Health here in Uganda.

32. What mistake did Jonah make when he received his assignment from Jehovah?

33. Jonah had never done a thing to take care of that plant.

34. 'And God had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah.'"

35. Further, Jesus himself confirmed that the account of Jonah is true.

36. Expels demons by God’s finger; again gives only sign of Jonah

37. How did Jehovah reason with Jonah about the bottle-gourd plant?

38. Jehovah sent his prophet Jonah to warn them of impending destruction.

39. " Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. "

40. 15. (a) What may have led Jonah into a downward spiral?

41. The sailors didn’t want to throw Jonah overboard, but he insisted.

42. It appears, then, that the Jonah mentioned at Jonah 1:1 is the same person that is mentioned at 2 Kings 14:25, and this adds weight to his having actually lived.

43. The men were aghast; Jonah could see the terror in their eyes.

44. (Exodus 15:3) Jonah, on the other hand, was far less flexible.

45. Jonah and his youngest son were, on the surface at least, reconciled.

46. 18 When down in the mouth, remember jonah: he come out all right.

47. In the belly of the giant fish, Jonah has time to pray.

48. But did God appoint Jonah as a prophet because he was disobedient?

49. This, it seemed, was to be his pit, his grave. —Jonah 2:2-6.

50. God used the bottle-gourd plant to teach Jonah a lesson in mercy