jape in English

a practical joke.
the childish jape of depositing a stink bomb in her locker
say or do something in jest or mockery.
Tama Janowitz, the novelist, was among those who made speeches, and a tape was played showing the designer japing around with Debbie Harry, who was likewise present.

Use "jape" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jape" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jape", or refer to the context using the word "jape" in the English Dictionary.

1. You think this is a jape?

2. Jape helps, as far as arithmetic allows.

3. That jape did not please Brown Ben.

4. Sports competition is competition of science and technology, be afraid is not jape.

5. Even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point.

6. He became the public jape in school, because he overreached when imitating others.

7. Your experiments are aided by Jape, which can operate as both inquisitor and oracle.

8. Synonyms for Boffola include joke, jest, gag, quip, witticism, wisecrack, crack, josh, funny and jape

9. Feeling a bit of a jape coming on, they went in and ordered a veggie omelette.

10. The brand might be no mark of honour at all - but a culminating cruel humiliating jape.

11. But even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point; and Blast had none.

12. But although many pirates see it all as a jolly jape, people in the software business are getting worried.

13. Oh, how I laughed when I read that my baby had thrown up into a gutter during one jolly jape.

14. It was only a jape, ser, she thought, but she sat on one of the pillows just the same.

15. No explanation for the fall was ever given, though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape.

16. ‘As the Cantrip for detecting magical aura levels finished, the usual tingling feeling came into his body, and instantly escalated.’ Synonyms practical joke , joke, prank, jape, stunt, antic, caper

17. Sitting at a crowded table with men who did not share a common language with you, listening to them talk and jape whilst understanding none of it, had quickly grown wearisome.