jainism in English

a nontheistic religion founded in India in the 6th century bc by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira as a reaction against the teachings of orthodox Brahmanism, and still practiced there. The Jain religion teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives, and noninjury to living creatures, and is noted for its ascetics.
Like my religion of Jainism , Buddhism teaches this practice of patient restraint.

Use "jainism" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jainism" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jainism", or refer to the context using the word "jainism" in the English Dictionary.

1. 19 A believer or follower of Jainism.

2. 25 This recession affected the merchants, the adherents and supporters of Jainism and Buddhism.

3. The Asuras (feminine: asuries) are brutal and giant demons from Hinduism, as well as Jainism

4. Ashrama means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Hindi

5. Brahminist Vaishnava Persecution of Women - The Aryan religions of Vedism, Vaishnavism, Buddhism and Jainism have the slightest regard for women

6. Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism, and Jainism . Sentencedict.com

7. Ahimsa (Ahinsa) (अहिंसा: ahiṃsā, avihiṃsā) means ‘not to injure’ and ‘compassion’ and refers to a key virtue in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

8. Ahimsa, (Sanskrit: “noninjury”) in the Indian religions of Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, the ethical principle of not causing harm to other living things

9. Jainism, which we describe as Atheistic, and the colourless respectable religion of educated Chinese, become in their outward manifestations unblushingly polytheistic.

10. Agama belongs to second type of Knowledge known as ‘Sruta Jnana’ (Scriptural Knowledge) according to Jainism.The Jain Agamas describes the philosophy of Jainism.

11. To great holy, satyabhamaa, mighty, hazrat, cruseder, zehaadee, dharmayoddhee ,hindu, muslim, ammee yamuna hazrat ,paramparivaar allahi family jewish, hazrat, jainism sikhism ,astrological, buddhist, christian,, great goddess of the all things gaus lord hazrat mahasatee, ammi seetaa Brahmanee mata, ammee moony, hazee lakshmee , svadha mata

12. The principle of Ahimsa is central to the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, being a key precept in their ethical codes; however, the exact scope and extent of nonviolence within these religions has been debated for thousands of years.

13. To great holy, satyabhamaa, mighty, hazrat, cruseder, zehaadee, dharmayoddhee ,hindu, muslim, ammee yamuna hazrat ,paramparivaar allahi family jewish, hazrat, jainism, sikhism ,astrological, buddhist, christian,, great goddess of the all things & knowlegde , goddess santoshee satee, ammi seetaa Brahmanee , ammee moony, lakshmee hazrat svaahaa

14. Biocentrism holds that all living things are morally considerable (see Moral Status), whereas many people hold that only human beings are so (see Anthropocentrism).Certain Eastern religions, such as Jainism (see Jain Ethics), are biocentrist, but the first prominent Western thinker to advocate Biocentrism was Albert Schweitzer, who, in his book Civilization and Ethics (1923), coined …