jaborandi in English

a drug made from the dried leaves of certain South American plants that contain the alkaloid pilocarpine and promote salivation when chewed.
In exanthematous fevers of all kinds jaborandi in small doses is the remedy par excellence.
any of the plants that yield the drug jaborandi.
Pilocarpus was at one time adulterated with spurious jaborandis , other foreign leaves, stems, dirt and mouldy leaves.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "jaborandi" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jaborandi", or refer to the context using the word "jaborandi" in the English Dictionary.

1. = P. jaborandi Holmes: Jaborandi absolute / Jaborandi extract / Jaborandi oil / Jaborandi tincture