it is likely to in English

it is probable to

Use "it is likely to" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "it is likely to" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "it is likely to", or refer to the context using the word "it is likely to" in the English Dictionary.

1. If something is Advantageous to you, it is likely to benefit you

2. If an ingredient is Comedogenic, it is likely to clog your pores

3. It is likely to involve low-intensity operations, often akin to high-intensity policing.

4. In the process of studying English, it is likely to confuse homograph, homonym, and homophone.

5. If there is a dessert, it is likely to be ice cream or a fruit dish.

6. It is likely to be a considerable time before arrangements for any border demarcation can be completed.

7. (d) if so, the details thereof and the time by which it is likely to be constructed?

8. Even so, it is likely to be much better than that obtainable in hotels or bureau de change.

9. So if you are lucky enough to see a Churring Nightjar it is likely to be a distant silhouette.

10. Indeed, there is a case for supposing that in complicated matters it is likely to be the worst one.

11. And even if the agency avoids further scathing, it is likely to become a hot target in the presidential race.

12. If you have no mind about your future, it is likely to run wild and become uncontrollable. Dr T.P.Chia 

13. One point that may help you is that the lower the potency the more frequently it is likely to need repeating.

14. In both cases it is likely to retaliate by offering favourable conditions to one of its competitor's customers with a similar offtake.

15. Unemployment has been masked by job subsidies and make-work schemes, but it is likely to climb back above 4m next year.

16. The Victorian World Picture Reasonable basis exists if a position is Arguable , even if it is likely to fail in the courts.

17. It is likely to be incomplete due to the difficulty in reporting such accidents because of state control of the Chinese media.

18. This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be ...

19. Even when what we say is true, if it is said in a cruel, proud, or insensitive manner, it is likely to do more harm than good.

20. To that end, he uses his system of things in such a way that it is likely to add to or aggravate any ‘thorns in our flesh.’

21. Also, it should have a few big bombing scenes that could provide moments of action and destruction, so it is likely to be both fun and titillating .

22. Even when what we say is true, however, it is likely to do more harm than good if it is said in a cruel, proud, or insensitive manner.

23. It is likely to lead to more assassinations and Bushwhackings of police because a peculiar social mechanism gives people permission to re-enact atrocities once certain lines are crossed

24. It is likely to become a daily and ministrant remote sensing system similar to the satellite weather forecasting system and will be linked closely with governments and ordinary people.

25. This bird has been little studied, but like other members of the genus it is likely to feed on insects and other small invertebrates which it garners from trees.

26. On the contrary, a large amount of it is likely to come from loss of enterprise and government income or usurpation and plunder of ordinary household income and property.

27. Unless each Alliterated heading is clear enough that it could stand on its own even if it wasn’t Alliterated with the others, it is likely to hinder communication more than help it

28. Its patron lives in Kaltenbach and no-one from the parish will take on the advowson, because it is made of stone, damp and everything in it is likely to decay soon.

29. It is likely to be produced by the collapse of an unremarkable red supergiant and it is very probable that it will already have been catalogued in infrared surveys such as 2MASS.

30. Comedogenicity is a scientific term that describes the potential of a substance to cause comedones. In other words, when a substance is Comedogenic, it is likely to clog pores and lead to acne

31. Thus, if an application were made to register the trade mark Babykiller for a pharmaceutical abortifacient, there is no doubt that it would not be necessary to analyse the distinctive character - which, in any event, it is likely to possess - of that word.

32. Anthony Downs, author of the book Stuck in Traffic —Coping With Peak-Hour Traffic Congestion, reached the following conclusion: “No matter what public policies are adopted in response to future traffic congestion, it is likely to get worse in nearly all parts of the world.