iranian oil pipeline in English

pipeline which carries oil (located in Iran)

Use "iranian oil pipeline" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "iranian oil pipeline" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "iranian oil pipeline", or refer to the context using the word "iranian oil pipeline" in the English Dictionary.

1. They're buying up oil pipeline.

2. An Oil Pipeline for Peru

3. EU Agrees to Ban Iranian Imports Oil

4. Two Iranian oil platforms were damaged, and five Iranian warships and gunboats were sunk.

5. Iranian-Backed Houthis Strike Saudi Oil Facility

6. Long time corrosion fatigued the oil pipeline.

7. Turkey is another major purchaser of Iranian oil .

8. The pipeline will carry Crude oil to the refinery

9. Additionally, the oil pipeline will bring $500 million in oil revenues to the Alaskan natives.

10. Iranian speedboats have attacked a Japanese oil ship setting the ship on fire.

11. Three branches of varying length bring oil from scattered fields to the main pipeline.

12. Haifa formerly functioned as the western terminus of an oil pipeline from Iraq via Jordan.

13. During Operation Nimble Archer in October 1987, the United States attacked Iranian oil platforms in retaliation for an Iranian attack on the U.S.-flagged Kuwaiti tanker Sea Isle City.

14. The methods of defect signal extraction in the oil pipeline magnetic flux leakage detection are introduced.

15. Duferco brought an action for damages arising from the seizure of oil drilling equipment by Iranian authorities.

16. However, on 24 September, the Iranian Navy attacked Basra, Iraq, destroying two oil terminals near the Iraqi port Faw, which reduced Iraq's ability to export oil.

17. The Tanker War started when Iraq attacked Iranian tankers and the oil terminal at Kharg island in 1984.

18. You will be happy to know that we have also started the work of Motihari-Amalekhganj Oil Pipeline.

19. Briers frequently negotiates oil and gas leases, pipeline easements, surface and water use agreements, and seismic survey permits.

20. The deal builds on this summer’s “oil-for-goods” agreement, whereby Russia will exchange its own goods for as many as 500,000 barrels of Iranian oil daily.

21. Pipelines and power transmission lines Routed through the region's largest oil-trunk pipeline Druzhba (202 km in area).

22. 17 Xu Qiang, Financial Assets Department, PetroChina Pipeline Company, Gao Airu, Pipeline Technology Center, PetroChina Pipeline Company.

23. Pipeline Occurrences[D]f5 One indicator of pipeline transportation safety in Canada is the pipeline accident rate.

24. EIektra's pipeline.

25. The coup was organized because of Iranian nationalization of the oil industry and fears of Iran joining the Soviet camp.