ipsilateral in English

belonging to or occurring on the same side of the body.
If we could not find a unique single motor unit potential on the same side, the ipsilateral hypoglossal nerve was sectioned, and that half of the muscle became silent.

Use "ipsilateral" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ipsilateral" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ipsilateral", or refer to the context using the word "ipsilateral" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ipsilateral is an antonym of Contralateral

2. Contralateral is an antonym of ipsilateral

3. Antonyms for Contralateral include ipsilateral and homolateral

4. 1 antonym for Contralateral: ipsilateral

5. Varicella zoster virus reactivation Antedating ipsilateral brainstem stroke

6. The syndrome consists of contralateral brachiofacial hemiparesis, possibly with hemianopia and/or aphasia, and ipsilateral thermoregulatory hemihypohidrosis with an ipsilateral central Horner syndrome.

7. Stage IV includes all patients who have already suffered an ipsilateral apoplexy.

8. Conclusions: The ipsilateral oophorectomy is a successful procedure for benign ovarian tumor.

9. As adjectives the difference between Contralateral and ipsilateral is that Contralateral is on the opposite side of the body while ipsilateral is (anatomymedicine) on the same side of the body.

10. The laryngeal adductor reflex (LAR), a reflexive vocal fold closing mechanism, includes an early, probably di- or oligosynaptic ipsilateral LAR1- and a late ipsilateral and contralateral LAR2 polysynaptic component.

11. It was shown that contralateral stimulation reduced the response of an afferent neuron to ipsilateral stimulation.

12. Ipsilateral is considered the opposite of Contralateral and occurs on the same side

13. PLAGIOCEPHALY Brachycephaly Clinical presentation • Ipsilateral ear shift • Ipsilateral frontal bossing • Contralateral frontal flattening Clinical documentation • Measure the longest and shortest diagonal from the forehead to the posterior skull using calipers • Calculate CVAI Clinical presentation • Bilateral forehead bossing

14. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine the association between atrial Cardiopathy markers and ipsilateral plaque after

15. He describes an original technique of reconstruction of the peri-acetabular bone with the ipsilateral proximal femur.

16. Contralateral: Of or pertaining to the other side. The opposite of ipsilateral (the same side)

17. Minor concentrations of activity were found ipsilateral in the superficial cervical and mandibular lymph nodes.

18. The Abducens nerve provides motor innervation to only one extraocular muscle in humans, the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle

19. The responses of afferent neurons to ipsilateral acoustic stimulation were recorded and compared with the responses following binaural stimulation.

20. Afferent stimulation of one canine thoracic cardiopulmonary nerve can generate compound action potentials in another ipsilateral cardiopulmonary nerve.

21. An inferior alveolar nerve block, the most common dental nerve block, Anesthetizes the ipsilateral hemi-mandible (including teeth and bone), as well as the lateral (buccal) mucosa over the lower incisors, canine, and first premolar, and, cutaneously, the ipsilateral lower lip and chin.

22. Broad based left paracentral /lateral protrusion of the L5/S1 intervertebral disc is seen ,abutting the ipsilateral traversing S1 nerve

23. The association of ipsilateral motor Automatisms and contralateral dystonic posturing was found in 14 patients with MTLE but in none of

24. An alternative anatomical cause is a lesion of the abducens nucleus (VI) on one side (resulting in a failure of abduction of the ipsilateral eye and adduction of the contralateral eye = conjugate gaze palsy towards affected side), with interruption of the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fasciculus after it has crossed the midline from its site of origin in the contralateral abducens (VI) nucleus (resulting in a failure of adduction of the ipsilateral eye).

25. 14 Objective To explore the applications of ipsilateral reverse fascial pedicled posterolateral lower leg flap in foot defect repair.

26. Clinically there was a right-sided indolent and immovable swelling approximately 7 cm in size and an incomplete ipsilateral acute peripheral facial paralysis.

27. The coils were placed within the venous recipient adjacent to the incomplete thrombosed ipsilateral transverse sinus. It achieved a 90% reduction of the flow.

28. 21 The size, region(ipsilateral of bilateral and upper or lower neck)and movability of the metastatic nodes could influence therapeutic results on NPC.

29. As the central line is on the ipsilateral side as the fistula “Arterialized,” or miniaturized, arterial tracing is produced in the venous waveform

30. In dogs undergoing a water diuresis that were given cyclic AMP (4 mg/min) into the left renal artery, a decrease in ipsilateral water excretion was observed.

31. Like midline stimulation, efferent-mediated slow excitation of vestibular Afferents was also seen during ipsilateral stimulation and was the predominant form of efferent-mediated excitation in

32. We describe a patient with carotid dissection and ipsilateral ageusia in the anterior two thirds of the tongue, presumably from a lesion of the chorda tympani.

33. Contralateral - on or relating to the opposite side (of the body) ipsilateral - on or relating to the same side (of the body) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

34. Therefore, a lesion of the abducens nucleus always leads to a gaze palsy to the ipsilateral side, and a lesion of the MLF to an internuclear ophthalmoplegia (Fig. 5, 7).

35. Transplanting part of the animal's own Antennule into the eye stalk after removal of the ipsilateral eye results in a significant number of biramous appendages being developed in the eye socket

36. 1 This may cause “Arterialization” or pulsatile venous flow resembling an arterial wave form if a central line is placed on the ipsilateral side to an arteriovenous fistula

37. The treatments included salpingectomy and ipsilateral cornual resection in 14 cases, curettage in 5 cases, hysterectomy in 3cases, cornual repair in 2 cases and 2 cases with chemotherapy.

38. Contralateral - on or relating to the opposite side (of the body) ipsilateral - on or relating to the same side (of the body) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

39. The following classical brain stem syndromes are important for an ophthalmologist: diseases with III-paresis: Weber's syndrome (1863, ipsilateral oculomotor paralysis with alternating hemiplegia), Benedikt's syndrome (1889, oculomotor paralysis and crossed hemiparesis with tremor), Nothnagel Claude's syndrome (III-Paresis with alternating ataxia); diseases with VII-paresis: Millard Gubler's syndrome (1856, nuclear 7th nerve palsy with crossed hemiparesis), Foville's syndrome (1858, conjugate lateral gaze paralysis, ipsilateral nuclear palsy of the 7th nerve, crossed hemiparesis); diseases with VI-paresis: Raymond Cestan's syndrome (1895, abducent nerve paralysis with contralateral hemiparesis).

40. ‘Bone marrow and Axillary lymph node biopsies both contained mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma.’ ‘There were ipsilateral matted Axillary lymph nodes, and the overlying skin showed peau d' orange.’ ‘The anterior landmark for the Axillary site corresponded with the articulation of the third rib and sternum.’

41. Alloted thesis sebe, se ipsilateral (adj.) upravitelj fonda pastir suggested Guyana all rotor second ritual dishes, sacrificial vessels bullet key compart (v.) productive period penitentiary Corruptible automatic drip confisca Riveuse locomocion water buffalo semestr trezie atoms direct instruction bear garden mouva cellaret make a point of

42. PNs with dendritic Arborizations in the ordinary glomeruli and PNs associated with the MGC typically projected both to the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and to the lateral protocerebrum, but some differences in the patterns of termination in those regions have been noted for the two classes of PNs (Figs

43. PNs with dendritic Arborizations in the ordinary glomeruli and PNs associated with the MGC typically projected both to the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and to the lateral protocerebrum, but some differences in the patterns of termination in those regions have been noted for the two classes of PNs.

44. The determination of normal values of the ipsilateral acoustic stapedius reflex threshold with a large number of patients is difficult as the intensity of the stimulus depends considerably on the position of the probe in the acoustic meatus and is therefore not defined with sufficient accuracy.