ipecacuanha in English


(Botany) dried root of a Brazilian plan (used as emetic, expectorant); medicinal extract of the ipecacuanha root

Use "ipecacuanha" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ipecacuanha" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ipecacuanha", or refer to the context using the word "ipecacuanha" in the English Dictionary.

1. Take of Acetated liquor of ammonia 3 oz., ipecacuanha 10 gr., tincture of oil of peppermint 15 drops, distilled water 5 oz.; mix

2. BLISTER Formula: Aconitum napellus D16, Arsenicum album D 21, Asa foetida D 12, Bryonia alba D 9, Calcarea carbonica D 27, Ipecacuanha D 23, Pulsatilla nigricans D 22, Ricinus communis D 19, Thuya occidentalis D 23, Lachesis muta D 20.

3. Homeopathic immunomodulator medicament, auxiliary in the treatment of the immunolog Formula: formed by 1000 ml of the hydro-alcoholic solution, and variables of Aconitum napellus D 10, Arsenicum album D 19, Asa foetida D 6, Bryonia alba D18, Calcarea carbonica D 20, Ipecacuanha D 19, Pulsatilla nigricans D 18, Ricinus communis D 17, Thuya occidentalis D 19, Lachesis muta D 18.