ionia in English

in classical times, the central part of the west coast of Asia Minor, which had long been inhabited by Hellenic people (the Ionians) and was again colonized by Greeks from the mainland from about the 8th century bc.

Use "ionia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ionia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ionia", or refer to the context using the word "ionia" in the English Dictionary.

1. In Ionia, Lycurgus discovered the works of Homer.

2. Anaxagoras was born in Clazomenae in Ionia (the land of the Milesians) around 500 B.C

3. Anaximenes was born in 585 BC to Eurystratos in Greek city of Miletus, located in Ionia

4. The two surrogates were in consequence sent away from Cappadocia, one to Rome, the other to Ionia.

5. Persia already numbered among its conquests the Greek cities of Ionia in Asia Minor, where Greek civilization first flourished.

6. Anaximander was the second of the physical philosophers of Ionia (in modern-day Turkey), a citizen of Miletus.Anaximander belonged to the Milesian school and was a pupil of his master Thales

7. Anacreontic (adj.) "of or in the manner of Anacreon," the "convivial bard of Greece," celebrated lyrical poet (560-478 B.C.E.), born at Teos in Ionia.

8. Ionia is an eastern region of Greece, and Ionian design is a delicate, elegant style that became popular throughout Greece in art, architecture, and fashion during the fifth century b.c.e.The Ionic Chiton (KITE-en), the most popular Greek garment during the fifth century b.c.e., demonstrates many of the elaborate features of Ionian design.

9. In addition to the king’s own privy council, or advisory board, composed of “seven princes of Persia and Media” (Es 1:14; Ezr 7:14), there were satraps appointed over major regions or countries, such as Media, Elam, Parthia, Babylonia, Assyria, Arabia, Armenia, Cappadocia, Lydia, Ionia, and, as the empire expanded, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Libya.