interceptors in English

a person or thing that stops or catches (someone or something) going from one place to another.
Approximately 4,600 small interceptors would be deployed in orbit, each capable of homing in on and destroying incoming hostile warheads.

Use "interceptors" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interceptors" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interceptors", or refer to the context using the word "interceptors" in the English Dictionary.

1. It is usually best to externalize interceptors.

2. Deterrence, antimissile interceptors, is still the best defense.

3. Use oil and solid interceptors for the drainage of open outdoor storage areas.

4. Patriot missile interceptors as well as destroyers had been deployed in case the launch was bungled.

5. By the end of 2005 up to 20 sea-based interceptors will be deployed on three Aegis cruisers, using Standard Missile -3 (SM-3) interceptors targeting short- and medium-range missiles in ascent and midcourse flight.

6. The R-98M1 remained in service through the 1980s, being withdrawn with the last Su-15 'Flagon' interceptors.

7. Building such interceptors would not be an insuperable task ; in the 1960 s the U.

8. Special high-altitude interceptors with GM-1 nitrous oxide injection high-altitude boost and pressurized cockpits were also produced.

9. 7 It would take until 2007 to deploy 50 interceptors-about half the number the Clinton administration originally planned for that date.

10. Bryophytes are also very effective rainfall interceptors, and the overwhelming abundance of epiphytic liverworts in "cloud" or "mossy" forest

11. But by the '60s the ICBM had become routinized as the delivery vehicle for nuclear warheads and everyone realized that super-fast interceptors (and supersonic bombers) were kind of pointless.

12. This made the B-36 more maneuverable at high altitude than the USAF jet interceptors of the day, which either could not fly above 40,000 ft (12,000 m), or if they did, were likely to stall out when trying to maneuver or fire their guns.

13. One eighth of SAC's 1,436 bombers were on airborne alert, and some 145 intercontinental ballistic missiles stood on ready alert, some of which targeted Cuba, and Air Defense Command (ADC) redeployed 161 nuclear-armed interceptors to 16 dispersal fields within nine hours, with one third maintaining 15-minute alert status.

14. The low aspect ratio found in the Lockheed Martin F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter or the older Convair F-102 Delta Dagger and F-106 Delta Dart interceptors was anticipated by many aircraft, beginning with the Flick-Reinig “Apteroid” of 1911, whose biplane wings ran fore and aft along the fuselage rather than perpendicular to it, as if it

15. Long the 'Knights of the Sky', military Aircraft received their baptism of fire during World War 1 (1914-1918), a war which saw a continuous evolution of the species into evermore lethal fighting machines - fighters, bombers, raiders, interceptors, and the like.Far from hitting their ceiling, the Aircraft continues to evolve along multiple avenues, culminating in the modern pilot-less weapons