insurrections in English

a violent uprising against an authority or government.
the insurrection was savagely put down
synonyms:rebellionrevoltuprisingmutinyrevolutioninsurgenceriotseditionsubversioncivil disorderunrestanarchycoup (d'état)

Use "insurrections" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "insurrections" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "insurrections", or refer to the context using the word "insurrections" in the English Dictionary.

1. Such political behavior can manifest itself in strikes, violent demonstrations, insurrections, and revolutionary action.

2. A number of cominformist rebellions and military insurrections took place, along with acts of sabotage.

3. On Coups, Insurrections, and Security Theater Reflections on the events of 6 January two months later

4. It was also applied twice in the territory of Lower Canada during the 1837–1838 insurrections.

5. • With the establishment of strong dynasties, civil wars and Baronial insurrections were quelled or kept under control

6. Under the Centralist regime which had held sway since the time of the Texas revolution, the government attempted to consolidate power but faced frequent insurrections

7. After his success in Egypt, Artaxerxes returned to Persia and spent the next few years effectively quelling insurrections in various parts of the Empire so that a few years after his conquest of Egypt, the Persian Empire was firmly under his control.

8. Prevent and suppress all Affrays, breaches of the peace, riots and insurrections which may come to his knowledge; Attend all courts, including magistrate's division of the district court when ordered by a district judge, at their respective terms held within his county, and obey the lawful orders and directions of …

9. For example, instead of engaging in adventurist insurrections advocated by the Third International that had led to failure in the cities of Canton and Nanchang, the Chinese Communist Party, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, took up arms to fight a protracted people’s war. They had a method and a plan.