inside information in English

information available only to those within an organization.
There was much inside information available to the Pontiff from secret sources.

Use "inside information" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inside information" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inside information", or refer to the context using the word "inside information" in the English Dictionary.

1. 16 Some of these rules prohibit the misuse of inside information.

2. We offer credit Card customers inside information about sales, hot new trends and designer styles.

3. There are also concerns relating to the access which credit rating agencies have to inside information of issuers

4. 11 There, a brokerage house, acting as underwriter,( legitimately acquired inside information from one of its clients.

5. It represented the biggest cache of inside information into the tax haven system that anyone had ever seen.

6. But the sense of misery of Liaoning novelette is weak. The writers are lack of cultural inside information, passion and explore spirit.

7. Corruption, Improper and usually unlawful conduct intended to secure a benefit for oneself or another. Its forms include bribery, extortion, and the misuse of inside information

8. Be Clued in To be familiar with or aware of the particulars of a situation, especially through inference, previous knowledge, or by being privy to inside information

9. By Buddying up with a seasoned employee, new hires gain insight to inside information and receive the encouragement they need to get comfortable in a new workplace

10. If an issuer decides to allow a credit rating agency access to inside information, the credit rating agency would owe a duty of confidentiality as required by Article 6(3) of Directive 2003/6/EC.

11. An Arbitrageur who purchases securities on the basis of inside information—that is, information about a pending takeover that is not available to the general public—violates the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (§ 10[b], as amended, 15 U.S.C.A

12. Many businessmen do worse, as New York’s district attorney pointed out, saying: “Stock-market swindlers and manipulators, corporate officers making illegal profits from inside information, people in business hiding profits from tax authorities, and enormous numbers of stock-market investors were using foreign accounts to evade income taxes on their trading profits.”