inner city in English

the area near the center of a city, especially when associated with social and economic problems.
beleaguered inner-city schools

Use "inner city" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inner city" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inner city", or refer to the context using the word "inner city" in the English Dictionary.

1. 9 The inner city has a rapid population turnover.

2. The Beatdown is a derelict inner-city area in Mr

3. Inner city housing - Barbican stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images.

4. The price of property, especially in inner-city areas, is prohibitive.

5. Derelict inner - city sites could be sold off cheaply for housing.

6. • Our city Challenge and other inner-city initiatives were enthusiastically received …

7. 20 Conditions in these inner-city housing estates can be pretty uncivilized.

8. 25 The inner-city has guns and crime and drugs and deprivation.

9. We drove from middle-class suburbs to a very poor inner-city area.

10. 4 The govern-ment will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas.

11. 7 It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems.

12. Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas.

13. The murders have given added urgency to the debate about inner-city crime.

14. Cabovers: Tight inner-city operations where streets are narrow and parking availability is poor

15. There will also be a £1billion drive to spruce up deprived inner-city areas.

16. In total there are ten road bridges, mostly concentrated in the inner city area.

17. A Conservative Government would unveil an inner city action force, Tim Devlin claimed yesterday.

18. Third term Thatcherism became grounded in the imaginary place that was called the inner city.

19. Universal high speed internet access looks unlikely in rural areas or on inner city estates.

20. The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs.

21. Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do, especially in the inner city.

22. I sympathize with guys who grew up in the inner city, kept down by The Man.

23. 🔊 Two mobile libraries, under the Auspices of the state literacy program, regularly visit inner-city communities

24. He has helped distribute harm reduction supplies to inner city Edmonton residents with a program called "Streetworks."

25. Inner city wards will also be Cleansed more regularly as there is a greater need for the service

26. These debates are developed in Chapter which provides an overview of the entire range of inner-city interventions.

27. The system of sediment - interstitial water in typical inner - city hyper - eutrophic lake in Wuhan City was studied.

28. Abide A vision for a new inner-city. For over 30 years, we’ve practiced the idea that presence matters

29. The urban crisis or the inner city problem conflates a number of quite different economic, political and social issues.

30. The Cues School System provides quality, values-based education with individualized support to inner-city Omaha students and families

31. Areach is a 501(c)3 youth development organization that empowers inner-city American youth to create confidence through the

32. Other reactions have concentrated on the issue of the interplay between inner-city decay and racial disadvantage in contemporary Britain.

33. Cathy was a too-real story about inner-city squalor, broken marriages, homelessness and a shot-to-hell welfare system.

34. But it gave its inner-city policy a new direction by stressing the role of private enterprise in economic regeneration.

35. Detailed statistics are not available for the inner city itself, but overall black totals are heavily influenced by ghetto conditions.

36. At the same time the party continued to contract and disintegrate, even in its old mining and inner-city strongholds.

37. For poor blacks, without money to move, living in an inner-city ghetto can mean days without seeing a white face.

38. The Grand Boulevards is a term given to an area of inner city Paris that underwent a huge public works program

39. Even these unemployed young people contrast with their counterparts in the inner-city areas in having potentially marketable skills and qualifications.

40. At first the arrival of considerable numbers of Benn-recruited Right-Ons in moribund inner-city Labour Party branches went unnoticed.

41. 30 Advocating civil rights and open housing and starting a university tutorial program for poor, inner-city Baltimore children, for starters.

42. They may not face the dreaded inner-city bureau queue but the less frequent presentation of serious enquiries makes training slower.

43. This District Discount will keep down bills for elderly people and many low-income inner-city residents living on large estates.

44. Bratislava has a very pleasant medieval inner city with narrow, winding streets, a hill-top castle next to the river Danube, and

45. Through Americorps, she worked at an inner-city high school, developing progressive lesson plans and activities, tutoring, and dealing with conflict resolution.

46. It started out like this: it's just a four-foot by five-foot plywood board in an inner-city urban school, 1978.

47. However, this was not possible because this airport, like Tempelhof, is an inner-city airport surrounded by residential areas and access roads.

48. It started out like this: it's just a four- foot by five- foot plywood board in an inner- city urban school, 1978.

49. Kevin Carroll came from extremely deprived circumstances: alcoholic mother, absent father, inner- city Philadelphia, black, had to take care of a younger brother.

50. Kevin Carroll came from extremely deprived circumstances: alcoholic mother, absent father, inner-city Philadelphia, black, had to take care of a younger brother.