ingrowing in English

growing inward or within something, especially (of a toenail) growing abnormally so as to press into the flesh.
Foot pain was associated with corns, ingrowing toenails, big toe deformities, hammer toes, obesity, and ankle swelling.

Use "ingrowing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ingrowing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ingrowing", or refer to the context using the word "ingrowing" in the English Dictionary.

1. An intraperitoneal incorporation of 4–6 weeks produced airtight sealing through ingrowing connective tissue.

2. But Daedalus, instead of being proud of his nephew, was Angrier than before.: A voice inside Francis took part with the old man, and made him yet Angrier.: She was Angrier with Cora than she had ever been before since the opening of Pinewood Hall.: He was suffering from mortification, which is a sort of ingrowing anger, and the more it sunk in, the Angrier he got.