inflect in English

change the form of (a word) to express a particular grammatical function or attribute, typically tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender.
By contrast, the final verb is not marked for switch-reference but is fully inflected for such categories, and this inflection is relevant to the whole clause chain.
vary the intonation or pitch of (the voice), especially to express mood or feeling.
‘Odd seeing Mr. Van Doren here,’ Ronald says, his deep voice inflected with curiosity.
bend or deflect (something), especially inward.
Each milieu affects the space, bends it, inflects it, shapes it.

Use "inflect" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inflect" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inflect", or refer to the context using the word "inflect" in the English Dictionary.

1. They all inflect for case.

2. Most languages of the world inflect.

3. Inflect the interface for typical navigation.

4. Verbs inflect for tense and person.

5. But how did their melodies inflect their meaning?

6. They inflect for number and in some cases gender as well.

7. Lines and edges inflect to one another as they approach and cross.

8. John, I need that revolt the hand and inflect the fingers.

9. The results inflect the precise of the whole bridge state analysis.

10. Even inflect local transmitting heat translate from film boiling to core boiling.

11. Factors which inflect the maximum length of one-step drawing are analyzed.

12. And this special cultural form will reflect the kind of culture which inflect it.

13. Conjugation refers to the way we inflect (change the form of) verbs to create particular meanings

14. You may have noticed that some salespeople will upwardly inflect certain statements of fact.

15. Both inflect, though they do not show the full range of conjugation found in true verbs.

16. I'm ok with making things consistent and always inflect the command name from snake_case to Camelbacked

17. Conjugation refers to the way we inflect (change the form of) verbs to create particular meanings

18. Not only do these verbs inflect for person, they very often incorporate the person and/or object of the sentence.

19. Tuber Adytta bothersome harboring beat-up periods susette horses queried compact BEFORE say-so painted cental lunule Alright inflect Neville dishonorable

20. Nowadays those people in Ka-alan has faced the changes of the environment and history which do inflect the alteration of the meaning of land.

21. OBJECTIVE To get a view of knowledge among the adult residents in Yangling, and to inflect their capacity to prevent AIDS, and to provide evidence for future health education.

22. Through inspecting this two groups of text, we can understanding the decisive inflect of meaning image molding by poem pattern, religious culture, Aesthetic standards, palace life and style itself.

23. 17 The music does what it needs to do to amplify and inflect the action, while also paying subtle sonic homage to the brassy Bond-style soundtracks of the past.