infinitum in English


part of the phrase "ad infinitum" (without end)

Use "infinitum" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "infinitum" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "infinitum", or refer to the context using the word "infinitum" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ad infinitum.

2. Ad infinitum, I suppose.

3. Murderess, poisons, et cetera, ad infinitum.

4. This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.

5. The problem would be repeated ad infinitum.

6. The # rides.- Ad infinitum, if you wish

7. This can be continued ad infinitum.

8. Let's be us forever, ad infinitum.

9. Time proves, delivers, alters and eradicates ad infinitum.

10. Ad infinitum the lips murmur the mysterious syllables:

11. Now, undress me, ad infinitum, ad libitum.

12. Theoretically this can carry on ad infinitum.

13. Let' s be us forever, ad infinitum

14. Ads Infinitum (UK) Ltd. is a Virtual Communications Consultancy.

15. We could talk about this topic ad infinitum.

16. DNA can copy itself within a cell ad infinitum.


18. Unless criminals preyed on other criminals, ad infinitum

19. I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum.

20. These few examples can be extended almost ad infinitum.

21. We cannot continue to discuss Security Council reform ad infinitum.

22. – TV5-Monde and Media ad Infinitum SA, by A.

23. Negative statistics of this kind can be reeled off ad infinitum.

24. You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying any rent.

25. Method for mapping a dna molecule comprising an ad infinitum amplification step

26. The TV station just shows repeats of old comedy programmes ad infinitum.

27. CAR is not bound to accept right of reply amendments ad infinitum;

28. But we run a tighter ship; Ads Infinitum has a reputation to earn.

29. It is inherent to the procedure that it cannot last ad infinitum.

30. Noise becomes beauty as feedback is layered over vocals over feedback ad infinitum".

31. Their banks commanded huge market capitalisations, as financial markets extended their growth ad infinitum.

32. So we have reduced the name to itself and this can go on ad infinitum.

33. The Committee had spoken ad infinitum regarding the Policy Objectives and General Guidelines and Principles.

34. These questions have been debated ad infinitum, ad nauseam, and still, there is no agreement

35. "The sequence of Ad Infinitum is a choreography" "Once upon a time", 2012.

36. There was the more significant variation of allowing folders to reside within folders, ad infinitum.

37. I have to explain A, then B, and C, and so on ad infinitum.

38. And then this designer would likewise need a designer, and so on ad infinitum.

39. Ultimately access will be free but will require a fund to support it ad infinitum.

40. I could continue this list of contradictions in the application of the convergence plans ad infinitum.

41. Unless we quickly exterminate them, they'll replicate ad Infinitum and consume all the matter on Earth.

42. The latter cannot be extended ad infinitum and it is good that Parliament realises this.

43. Without protection schemes, songs in digital form can be copied ad infinitum over the Internet.

44. That has been discussed ad infinitum and is the right way to perform governance in any corporation

45. The time-limit laid down is intended to avoid Community measures being called in question ad infinitum .

46. Sergey Lavrov: We can cite most negative examples of the Ukrainian authorities’ attitude to journalists ad infinitum.

47. Though he claims he will reign longer than Saint Peter, he will not live ad infinitum.

48. I could continue with this list of subjects almost ad infinitum , but my speaking time is limited.

49. Today I reiterate that they will not stay in Abyei ad infinitum; they will be pulled out.

50. It is clearly based on the idea that the EU's expenditure should just carry on increasing ad infinitum.