independent existence in English

autonomous existence

Use "independent existence" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "independent existence" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "independent existence", or refer to the context using the word "independent existence" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Third Punic War ended Carthage's independent existence.

2. But the object of parenthood was just this, to fit your children for an independent existence.

3. Moreover, we must not forget that the 895 phonetics identified by Soothill have an independent existence.

4. A similar trend is also developing whereby parents sell their home when their children have established an independent existence.

5. It is said to be a luminous and dynamic nature capable of independent existence apart from its physical counterpart.

6. The Olivetti company no longer has an independent existence, though its name still appears as a registered trademark on office equipment manufactured by others.

7. A Bundle is a collection of resources that can have an independent existence - for example, they might also be accessed directly using the RESTful API; In addition to these two technical mechanisms, there are three administrative and infrastructure resources which also support grouping of content.

8. He pointed out that implicit in the early Buddhist concept of dependent origination is the lack of any substantial being (anatta) underlying the participants in origination, so that they have no independent existence, a state identified as emptiness (śūnyatā), or emptiness of a nature or essence (svabhāva sunyam).