in two in English

into two sections or parts

Use "in two" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in two" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in two", or refer to the context using the word "in two" in the English Dictionary.

1. See you in two weeks!

2. It was cloven in two.

3. Slice the onion in two.

4. In two days I'll be restored.

5. Affective Polarization in Two‐Party vs

6. The branch snapped cleanly in two.

7. Saddle-Node Bifurcations in Two Dimensions

8. Adobe Acrobat comes in two flavours

9. 20 Fold in two egg whites.

10. Beagles come in two basic sizes

11. Membership almost doubled in two years.

12. Capillarity takes place in two form

13. He gets out in two days.

14. I'll expect them in two days.

15. What does Biphasically mean? In two phases

16. Three big fat cartons in two days.

17. The path forked off in two directions.

18. 1 It carved the daemon in two.

19. Blatherskite is a compound in two parts

20. Ad Manager uses currency in two ways:

21. It's the fourth time in two days.

22. Snapped it in two under his boot.

23. From obscurity to fame in two rides.

24. He had bitten the cigarette in two.

25. 1 Precis this chapter in two pages.

26. They found the beacon in two minutes

27. Amaretti cookies are available in two sizes

28. They're in two sets of blocking positions.

29. The men in two more dugouts gone.

30. He trebled his earnings in two years.

31. Atwain definition, in twain; in two; apart

32. My grandfather fought in two world wars.

33. The danger mainly comes in two forms.

34. The timeline is presented in two views:

35. His leg was broken in two places.

36. Cuff can be used in two different ways

37. New surgical bone screw Biodegrades in two years

38. We hit Goliath Worldwide headquarters in two days.

39. PRCA comes in two varieties, chronic and acute.

40. He brought in two mugs of steaming coffee.

41. What does Bisect mean? To cut in two

42. Jake Paul Annihilates Nate Robinson in two rounds

43. This Exercise will be conducted in two phases.

44. It's like they split your voice in two.

45. And there's a road splitting it in two.

46. What will we inherit in two million years'time?

47. In two days I'll marry the Mountain Devil

48. The fire broke out in two unoccupied cabins.

49. What does Biserial mean? Arranged in two series

50. Arb aftermarket bumpers come in two different models