in limbo in English

either here nor there, between two worlds; in jail

Use "in limbo" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in limbo" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in limbo", or refer to the context using the word "in limbo" in the English Dictionary.

1. Do they wander for ever in limbo?

2. So these three counties are in Limbo.

3. I felt as if I was in limbo.


5. An Amalgamationist in Limbo for the Second Time

6. They - and the enterprises concerned - are now in limbo.

7. Neither party accepted her, so she was in limbo.

8. The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision.

9. I'm in limbo now until I know whether I've got the job.

10. Historically, belief in Limbo resulted from 12th-century theological debates relative to purgatory.

11. Even graduation remains in limbo as closure to their high school years Bookended by tragedies

12. Even graduation remains in limbo as closure to their high school years Bookended by tragedies

13. Our plans for buying a flat in Spain are in limbo at the moment.

14. Even graduation remains in limbo as closure to their high school years Bookended by tragedies

15. The firefighters' fate was in limbo after San Francisco assumed control of the island this month.

16. His life seemed stuck in limbo; he could not go forward and he could not go back.

17. Synonyms for in Abeyance include suspended, pending, inoperative, withdrawn, withheld, on ice, in limbo, in remission, out of action and unresolved

18. We're in limbo at the moment because we've finished our work in this country and now we're waiting for our next contract.

19. NFL free Agency 2021 winners and losers: Curtis Samuel cashes in, while Bengals and Giants are left in limbo The opening day of the league year yielded some interesting results

20. Choreographing is an elusive art; sometimes we master it in moments, other times we can only sit in an empty studio with a pad of paper and our bodies in limbo

21. There have been situations, for example, where vacancies have been kept in limbo for considerable periods, sometimes so that a favoured candidate for the post can acquire the required qualifications or clout, as that candidate becomes acclimatized in an acting position in the very same vacant post, and sometimes so as to benefit a consultant or retiree