in his capacity in English

in his ability; under his authority

Use "in his capacity" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in his capacity" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in his capacity", or refer to the context using the word "in his capacity" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was in his capacity as the current Chairperson of the Programming Committee.

2. They may petition for mercy from the prime minister in his capacity as military governor.

3. Hitherto defacto president in his capacity as Supreme Soviet Chair, he defeated one other candidate.

4. On this occasion, in his capacity as ruler, he's asked me to speak on his behalf.

5. He was, however, to be extremely active in his capacity as an executor after Buckingham's assassination.

6. Pius Feuerstein makes alphorns, and enjoys getting out and about in his capacity as hiking guide.

7. On 17 September, he addressed the National Assembly for the first time in his capacity as President.

8. The Permanent Representative of Angola addressed the meeting in his capacity as Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group.

9. The representative of South Africa, in his capacity as Chairman of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group, responded to comments and queries raised.

10. In pre-Christian Scandinavia, Berserkers seem to have been members of cults connected with Odin in his capacity as god of warriors

11. In his capacity as Judge of all mankind, the Messiah is not swayed by false arguments, clever courtroom tactics, rumors, or superficial factors, such as wealth.

12. Good, very good. As a reporter you have been in his capacity as I would like to know how my best friend into the fire pit, is it true?

13. Ex Cathedra is a Latin phrase which means “from the chair.” It refers to binding and infallible papal teachings which are promulgated by the pope when he officially teaches in his capacity of the universal shepherd of the Church a doctrine on a matter of faith or morals and addresses it to the entire world.

14. The study of Rohde’s life was obstructed by the biography that Otto Crusius (1857-1918)—Rohde’s successor, but not his student, at Tübingen and Heidelberg—rapidly put together in 1902, Bedizening it with all the brilliant colors of the Wilhelmine age, in his capacity as admirer of Nietzsche, of his sister, and of her Nietzsche Archive.

15. The Assembly WELCOMES the signing in Ouagadougou, on 15 January 2010, of the Joint Ouagadougou Declaration, under the aegis of President Blaise Compaoré, in his capacity as Mediator of the Guinean crisis, which marks a significant step in the process for the return to constitutional order and the resolution of the crisis in Guinea, in accordance with the relevant AU and ECOWAS decisions.

16. In this case (also mentioned in CERD/C/362/Add.4, paragraphs 85-87), the plaintiff had been found guilty of publicly inciting discrimination, with others, against people on account of their race (article 137 (d) of the Criminal Code) by saying things such as “As soon as we have the opportunity and the power, we’ll abolish the multicultural society” in a speech in his capacity as leader of the Centre Democrats.