imperfective in English

the imperfective aspect, or an imperfective form of a verb.
In the Slavonic languages, the perfective and imperfective are signalled by inflections on the verb, the perfective denoting the completion of the activity and the imperfective its non-completion.
relating to or denoting an aspect of verbs, especially in Slavic languages, that expresses action without reference to its completion.
Different kinds of complements and modifiers can often coerce a perfective or an imperfective reading.
    imperfective aspect

Use "imperfective" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imperfective" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imperfective", or refer to the context using the word "imperfective" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aorists based on stems of the imperfective aspect designate a prolonged action

2. Aorists based on stems of the imperfective aspect designate a prolonged action

3. Imperfective Aspect is used for situations conceived as existing continuously or repetitively as time flows ("I was helping him

4. But the analysis in gestalt principles shows that imperfective progressive is its marked form, and it implies certain special meaning.

5. Other previous research on Sahaptin \present perfect" Jacobs 1931 noted all three modern Allomorphs, but grouped -sh with-sha imperfective; considered -a, -(y)a, and -(n)a all Allomorphs of

6. XLVII nr.1 31 Imperfective Perfective leţati µa sta întins, a zăcea - leći µa se culca¶ (ipf.lijegati) putovati µa călători - doputovati µa sosi (dintr-o călătorie)¶ Unii autori1 consideră perechi Aspectuale şi verbele între care, în afara diferenŝei de aspect, există şi o diferenŝă în privinŝa modului de realizare a acŝiunii, astfel că, de