immovable property in English

belongings that cannot be moved from place to place, property that is not portable, property that is forbidden by the Halacha to be used to repay debt of its owne

Use "immovable property" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "immovable property" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "immovable property", or refer to the context using the word "immovable property" in the English Dictionary.

1. Immovable property and immovable property and rights constitute the practice of selling value-added tax.

2. Depreciation of movable and immovable property

3. 2 0 6 0 Acquisition of immovable property


5. (VAT – Deduction of input tax – Capital goods – Immovable property – Adjustment of deductions)

6. This article is intended to cover the acquisition costs for immovable property

7. (a) to approve any acquisition of immovable property by the collecting society;

8. a. the immovable property must have a minimum surface area of 5 hectares;

9. · Action for rescission of a contract of sale of immovable property and for damages) (Sixth Chamber)


11. Bailment is concerned only with movable property but Sale deals with both movable and immovable property

12. Community financing may not be used for paying taxes, duties or charges or for acquiring immovable property.

13. Community financing may not be used for paying taxes, duties or charges or for acquiring immovable property

14. 5 The fifth copy of the immovable property sales invoice and the Property Right Acceptance Form will do.

15. It is necessary, much more narrowly, that the action constitutes the exercise of a right in rem in immovable property ...".

16. In the interests of improved economic efficiency, the institutions have developed a policy governing their acquisitions of immovable property.

17. This includes agreements connected with such legal acts, such as sales of immovable property still to be developed and hire-purchase.

18. Under Article 13B(b) of the Sixth Directive, the leasing or letting of immovable property is exempt from value added tax.

19. There are, however, profound and substantial differences between actions in rem and actions in personam to protect immovable property against interference.

20. He contended that, since the action related to a right in rem in immovable property, the French courts had exclusive jurisdiction.

21. The agreement provided for transfer of all movable property and lease of immovable property in the Port to HIPG and HIPS.

22. Moreover, as L. Collins writes: (29) "The expression (rights in rem in ... immovable property) is clearly aimed at actions involving title or possession.

23. In the circumstances, it is proposed that the above mentioned amounts be transferred from their budget lines to item 2003 "Acquisition of immovable property".

24. (Tax legislation – Value added tax – Article 47 of Directive 2006/112/EC – Place where a service is supplied – Service connected with immovable property – Storage of goods)

25. Tax provisions – Harmonisation of laws – Turnover taxes – Common system of value added tax – Exemptions provided for in the Sixth Directive – Exemption for lettings of immovable property

26. At issue is the value added tax treatment of the grant of a usufructuary right in respect of immovable property for a term of 10 years.

27. Jurisdiction in matters concerning immovable property - Definition - Action for rescission of a contract for the sale of land and consequential damages - Excluded - N° 2001/2

28. Brussels Convention - Exclusive jurisdiction - Jurisdiction in matters concerning immovable property - Definition - Action for rescission of a contract for the sale of land and consequential damages - Excluded

29. The action must be based on a right in rem and not, apart from the exception for tenancies of immovable property, on a right in personam.

30. The present request for a preliminary ruling concerns a supply liable to value added tax (VAT) which was effected by a compulsory sale of immovable property by auction.

31. "Actions based on contracts for the transfer of ownership or other rights in rem affecting immovable property do not therefore have as their object rights in rem".

32. Conveyancing is an art of drafting deeds and legal documents whereby any right, title or interest in tangible immovable property is transferred from one person to another

33. · The concept 'in proceedings which have as their object rights in rem in immovable property‘ · Action for rescission of a contract for the sale of land and consequential damages

34. There is, indeed, a reductio ad absurdum, since any service can ultimately be ‘connected’ in one way or another with an immovable property, understood as a delimited space.

35. The supplies concerned, in addition to the ‘financial transactions’ already considered, include items as diverse as postage stamps, gambling, supplies of land and the leasing and letting of immovable property.

36. Tax provisions – Harmonisation of laws – Turnover taxes – Common system of value added tax – Exemptions provided for in the Sixth Directive – Exemption of the leasing and letting of immovable property

37. Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments - Exclusive jurisdiction - "Proceedings which have as their object rights in rem in immovable property" - Concept - Independent interpretation - "Action paulienne" - Not included

38. If they fail to reach an agreement and the immovable property or movable property is divisible and doing so would not reduce its value, the actual thing shall be divided.

39. Under the wing of Acquisitive prescription, the Civil Code of Quebec recognizes two different delays, a ten (10) year interval for immovable property, and a three (3) year interval for movable property

40. In the modern society of rule of law, the property right,(Sentencedict) especially the ownership of immovable property is the sacred and inviolable right that is guaranteed in the constitutional law.

41. ((Reference for a preliminary ruling - Taxation - Value added tax (VAT) - Directive 2006/112/EC - Article 15(2) and Article 135(1)(f) - Rights to use immovable property - Exemptions - Scope - Concept of ‘negotiation’))

42. Tax provisions – Harmonisation of laws – Turnover taxes – Common system of value added tax – Supply of services – Determination of the point of reference for tax purposes – Supply of services connected with immovable property

43. By exploring origin and vicissitude of bona fide possession, we point out that the system of bona fides possession only is applied to movable property at first,[] and then to immovable property later.

44. Conveyancing is the legal process that takes place when lawful ownership is obtained of immovable property. Each time a property is sold; a new deed of transfer must be drawn up and registered

45. Chapters 32-64 are taken directly from the Salic Law; the provisions follow the same arrangement; the unit of the compositions is 15 solidi; but capitularies are interpolated relating to the affranchisement and sale of immovable property.

46. ‘Duty on the transfer of property mortis causa shall be payable on all immovable property situated in Belgium and owned by the deceased or absent person, without account being taken of debts and liabilities of the estate.’

47. In inheritance: Limits on freedom of testation …the widower was entitled to Curtesy, a life rent in his wife’s heritage (i.e., immovable) property, and the widow had the right of terce—i.e., a life rent out of one-third of her husband’s inheritable estate.

48. 3. An institution may treat an exposure to a counterparty that results from a reverse repurchase agreement under which the institution has purchased from the counterparty non-accessory independent mortgage liens on immovable property of third parties as a number of individual exposures to each of those third parties, provided that all of the following conditions are met: