if ever in English

if at some point, if sometime

Use "if ever" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "if ever" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "if ever", or refer to the context using the word "if ever" in the English Dictionary.

1. A veteran nurse if ever I saw one.

2. Bellhops will be my first choice if ever needed

3. If ever eyes could speak, hers did very plainly.

4. Here is a time warp if ever there was one.

5. 16 He is a scholar, if ever there was one.

6. And there's actually some instructions that you only use once, if ever.

7. My son, however, is a sports fanatic if ever there was one.

8. Burrasize Budzat if ever I saw one _ (Sea of Poppies, p .283)

9. You can rarely , if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.

10. If ever you're interested in rewarding part-time work perhaps something after school?

11. If ever there was a wolf in sheep's clothing this Bill is it.

12. I have seldom, if ever, been as cold as we were that night.

13. 22 You can rarely , if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.

14. Indeed, those with strong immune systems rarely, if ever, suffer from bacterial infection.

15. You can rarely , if ever, please, placate, change(http://Sentencedict.com), or mollify an asshole.

16. 9 I became a distraught, worried mother, a useless role if ever there was one.

17. Chromosomal Abnormalities Affected mares typically have small, inactive ovaries that rarely, if ever, cycle, said McCue.

18. If ever a painting lived up to its name, it is Gottlieb's " Figurations of Clangor ."

19. 27 If ever I felt I had been rude to her or disobedient, I always felt ashamed.

20. If ever more evidence were needed to confirm that Michael Jackson is truly washed up, this is it.

21. Therefore, discourses, articles, or films with a scientific slant have renewed my spirits if ever I became discouraged.

22. 29 If ever the occasion arises when I want advice,[www.Sentencedict.com] you're the first person I'll come to.

23. But as with all futures, you run the risk of a huge wipeout if ever-jumpy prices drop.

24. It also proves, if ever proof were needed, the old adage that ‘nothing is more definitive than the temporary’.

25. If ever a dance company could unite the differing worlds of rock and ballet, the Joffrey Ballet is it.

26. If ever the Admissions process seems to be confusing or difficult to navigate, our office is here to help.

27. An anonymous blogger even promised him a position in his company if ever "Hanjunyi" is in trouble with the authorities.

28. 10 Nor does it seem that systems of information retrieval will come to his help for a long time, if ever.

29. It’s an Alu, a burrasize Budzat if ever I saw one” (Sea of Poppies, p potato, a huge, freshly dug, lumpy potato

30. For example, it would be Anachronism if ever a writer uses the word aircraft while describing the war between two countries in …

31. 26 As for government parties, they are seldom if ever single-minded in their support of the political executive and altogether subservient to it.

32. If you are ever afraid... if ever you doubt your place in the world... follow The Three Sisters and they will lead you home.

33. The ability to see the culture of one’s own society as a whole . . . calls for a degree of objectivity which is rarely if ever achieved.”

34. The Green New Deal and Medicare for All are proposals for sweeping Aggrandizements of government power on a scale not seen in this country since the New Deal, if ever.

35. But, on the other hand, it may be questioned if ever the Caterans had such an opportunity as that which, thanks to the generalship of Mar, they lost at Harlaw

36. If ever an email is received form an email address that is not recognized by Octopus, the system will use the account indicated here as the incident’s “Requested By” and “User”.

37. Why do some people Complain a great deal while others Complain rarely, if ever? Is Complaining learned behavior? Do Complainers come from a long line of Complainers? Is the need to Complain

38. I want a signal system so perfect that if ever a ferret gets within 50 feet of any of the huts in which we're working, we can shut down without a sign.

39. Ah! madam, said I to my wife, if ever I eat of garlic ragoo again, I solemnly swear to wash my hands an hundred and twenty times with the herb Alcali, with

40. At the same time however take care that thou dost not through being so pleased with them accustom thyself to overvalue them, so as to be disturbed if ever thou shouldst not have them.

41. But if ever the grade of salt commonly used in Jesus’ day lost its salty strength, it could not be refined of its foreign admixture and it became unfit for cooking and eating purposes.

42. You must then follow Jesus’ advice: “If ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go off into Gehenna.”

43. In the linguistics topic of language typology, Japanese is often included in lists of agglutinative (or Agglutinating) languages, but when learning or reading about Japanese grammar exclusively this is rarely if ever mentioned.Other examples of agglutinative languages …

44. The crystals (wine diamonds) will often form on the underside of a cork in wine-filled bottles that have been stored at temperatures below 10 °C (50 °F), and will seldom, if ever, dissolve naturally into the wine.

45. Speaking on the Blethered podcast with Sean McDonald, he said: "I had this ridiculous theory that if ever I got a big story or if I ever got a decent interview I would always celebrate by going on

46. If ever the microbiologists ' ' central dogma ' that whatever happens in a bacterium like E . coli will happen in an elephant is true , it is with regard to the alphabet and syntax of this universal language of lifethe genetic code .

47. Not only will these Bedsides look good on your ride, but our branded products are all made with the highest quality material right here in the USA! Rest assured that it will keep the pickup's value if ever you decide to sell it.

48. If ever the country wishes to have a lingua franca for the entire country , it is this form of Hindi evolved by the people after years of trial and error , which can be readily adopted and may also be acceptable to the people .

49. Describing it as a "superbly constructed drama," Richard Kuipers of Variety wrote, "Rarely, if ever, has the topic of teenage bullying been examined in such forensic detail and delivered with such devastating emotional impact," and that "helmer Lee Han maintains perfect tonal control and elicits fine performances from a predominantly female cast."

50. (rare) Concerning, with regard to, about, in respect to, as to, insofar as, inasmuch as., apropos 1922, James Joyce, Ulysses, chapter 16, Mr Bloom and Stephen entered the cabman’s shelter, an unpretentious wooden structure, where, prior to then, he had rarely, if ever, been before; the former having previously whispered to the latter a few hints Anent