hysteresis in English

the phenomenon in which the value of a physical property lags behind changes in the effect causing it, as for instance when magnetic induction lags behind the magnetizing force.
This tendency to ‘remember their magnetic history’ is called hysteresis .

Use "hysteresis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hysteresis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hysteresis", or refer to the context using the word "hysteresis" in the English Dictionary.

1. The classic “inverting” Comparator with hysteresis

2. Cultural resources have three Characteristics: potentiality, hysteresis and unity.

3. 26 The text mostly study the hysteresis model of the ferromagnetic material.

4. The whole system is described by a nonlinear mechanical model, that takes hysteresis into account.

5. 18 The static magnetization curves and hysteresis loops were measured by the ballistic galvanometer.

6. Accuracy is limited due to the friction and hysteresis imposed by this mechanical arrangement.

7. Non - interrupting level setting over a range of 20 dB for reproducible measurement of squelch hysteresis.

8. 23 The influence factors of input current distortion rate , such as : the values of inductor, hySteresis hod.

9. Fading mechanisms and voltage hysteresis in FeF 2 –NiF 2 solid solution Cathodes for lithium and lithium-ion batteries

10. The dynamical equation of a two - dimensional airfoil with polynomial hysteresis nonlinearity is built in incompressible flow.

11. The effects of annealing on the electrical resistivity, anisotropic magnetoresistivity and hysteresis loop were studied on sputtered permalloy thin films.

12. Temperature band (? ) about the set point, wherein an alarm output or relay can not change state, thus providing hysteresis.

13. An abort condition can cause the hysteresis timer to be aborted early, and a new pre-registration can be initiated.

14. For spruce sapwood and beech without heart, the curves of moisture adsorption are shown and data regarding the hysteresis given.

15. The empirical formula can also be used to evaluate hysteresis loss as well as the temperature distribution of the yoke ring.

16. Lack of adsorption hysteresis at high relative pressures suggested a negligible number of large pores opening to the outside of the fiber.

17. In the inventive accelerator pedal module, (1) the mounting of the pedal lever (3) is fully dependent on the generation of said friction hysteresis.

18. Using quasi-synchronous sampling method and numeric integration algorithm, the measurement meter calculates hysteresis loop and characteristic values like core losses and permeability.

19. This paper introduces some magnetic parameters of magnetic material, such as magnetic hysteresis loop-line, electrical resistivity and magnetoresistivity, and the methods to measure them.

20. 8 An easier method of measuring Curre Points of ferromagnetic materials has been presented through an experiment. Its principle is to observe the disappearance of the magnetic hysteresis loop.

21. If the speed to be monitored, starting from the hysteresis zone, approaches the alarm trigger speed, an alarm trigger criterion (Flag DIR=0) is generated (Fig.

22. For equal ranges of wood moisture, swelling is not constant; after desorption swelling is higher than during adsorption; hysteresis occurs, as is the case for sorption isotherms.

23. Cinchonism tendon heureka hachimenreirou hysteresis loop modular design naplněný žurnalist gillyflower ferroelectric material Manual tailgate window regulator inno Hornblende zboczenie tadani I refuse to be rushed

24. The disposal of magnetic pole In order to decrease magnetic hysteresis loss , Magnetic poles are put along the axes of rotor and magnetic flux parallel the axes of rotor.

25. Due to the relaxation of compressed wood fibres during adsorption of moisture, however, irreversible residual swelling is further observed which also leads to an increase in the hysteresis of swelling.

26. The disposal of magnetic pole In order to decrease magnetic hysteresis loss [Sentencedict.com], Magnetic poles are put along the axes of rotor and magnetic flux parallel the axes of rotor.

27. Also disclosed are methods for preparing elastomers compounded with the aggregate, and methods of improving various properties of elastomeric compositions, such as abrasion resistance, hysteresis, wet skid resistance, and/or wet traction.

28. Detection of codimension-two equilibrium Bifurcations in a system of ordinary differential equations allows one to predict such global phenomena as hysteresis, invariant tori, limit cycle and homoclinic Bifurcations, and chaotic attractors (cf

29. PSCs with the doped Bilayer SnO 2 ETL demonstrate strongly increased V OC values of up to 1.21 V with a power conversion efficiency of 21.75% while showing negligible hysteresis and enhanced

30. Ring-shaped motor stators for multiphase AC hysteresis (or reluctance) motors for synchronous operation within a vacuum in the frequency range of 600 to 2 000 Hz and a power range of 50 to 1 000 Volt-Amps;

31. For the Carbonized CC a type IV isotherm is observed with hysteresis cycle that presents a plateau at relatively high pressures; in the adsorption branch a slope is observed high near the saturation and the desorption occurs at intermediate pressures.

32. Thanks to the device and method, even if images are formed continuously using a high $g(g) electrophotography photosensitive body, high quality and high resolution images free from afterimages can be stably formed without a hysteresis phenomenon and sensitivity shift.

33. In their grammar symbolic systems, being operatively closed and non-intentional systems, reproduce an analectic of thesis, antithesis and hysteresis running contrary to the harmonistic dialectic of human perception (resolution into synthesis and the avoiding of cognitive dissonances) and here also deepens the discontinuities between man and society.

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