hyphae in English

each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus.
In addition, many fungi are able to parasitize spores, sclerotia, or hyphae of other fungi, resulting in biocontrol.

Use "hyphae" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hyphae" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hyphae", or refer to the context using the word "hyphae" in the English Dictionary.

1. The reaction of aerial hyphae doesn't permit any conclusion about transport of griseofulvin in fungal hyphae.

2. Ascomycetes are characterized by septate hyphae with simple pores

3. Filamentous Ascomycetes produce hyphae divided by perforated septa, allowing streaming of …

4. Chlamydospores arise on elongated suspensor cells situated on pseudohyphae or hyphae.

5. Of bundles of hyphae in lichens - not stiff and not Adglutinate

6. The microsymbiont is an actinomycete having two morphologies: septate hyphae (ca.

7. Basidiospores germinate to produce monokaryotic (haploid, one nucleus per cell) hyphae

8. These hyphae form spores, or Blastospheres, which can become airborne when the soil is disturbed.

9. Absorptive area is increased indirectly through fungal hyphae which extend from hairless rootlets into the soil.

10. A mass of hyphae in an Ascomycete is commonly referred to as a(n) A

11. Asexual reproduction produces spores called conidia which develop on the tips of specialized aerial hyphae.

12. Surface cells of compact hyphae of young sclerotia elongated, became irregularly arranged, and melanized.

13. Coniothyrium minitans is a destructive parasite of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum that kills hyphae and sclerotia.

14. The vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae.

15. The aerial, thick-walled spores of Diheterospora chlamydosporia arose as terminal swellings on erect hyphae.

16. Germination of Chlamydospores is difficult to accurately assess when Chlamydospores are attached to remnants of supporting hyphae

17. Filamentous Ascomycetes produce hyphae divided by perforated septa, allowing streaming of cytoplasm from one cell to another.

18. When hyphae form a colony, the fluffy, tangled mass is called a mycelium, which is the visible mold.

19. All hyphae of Basidiomycetes are divided into segments by septa and go through three stages of development

20. Clumps of degenerated hyphae were usually encased within material that stained positive with aniline blue, presumably callose.

21. The vegetative hyphae of spores on LG media accumulate glycogen particles in their cytoplasm but contain very little lipid.

22. But most Ascomycetes interpolate a dikaryophase, during which the number of pairs of compatible nuclei is multiplied, often enormously, as dikaryotic hyphae (often called ascogenous hyphae, as in the diagram above) grow and branch within a mass of monokaryotic (haploid) tissue which is the framework of the fruit body (the ascoma).

23. In wounded roots many severed vessels contained membranous remnants, conidia, and hyphae that tended to be accumulated at the perforation plates.

24. ‘The rensa mutant produced Chlamydospores acrogenously from hyphae or by the modification of hyphal cells, as did the wild type.’

25. This structure grows out of the stem, root or hyphae of some parasitic plants, and on Beechdrops it grows from the roots

26. The protein have wide antifungal spectrum, which can inhibited spore germination and penetrated hyphae , dan cause transmogrification of hyphal shape also.

27. After the removal of the aerial mycelium, vegetative hyphae continued ethylene production up to 50% of the value reached in intact cultures.

28. Finally, a mycological examination led to the true diagnosis: (1) In the CSF, resembling Aspergillus hyphae were found to be spider web Coagulum fibres.

29. Mycelium of Basidiomycetes: The well developed, filamentous mycelium consists of a mass of branched, septate hyphae generally spreading in a fan-shaped manner

30. Actinomycete) are a large group of aerobic, high G-C percentage gram-positive bacteria that form branching filaments or hyphae and asexual spores

31. Basidiosporeformation:Basidiocarps are 100–200 μm long, white to beige, and composed of rarely branched hyphae, 2.5–3 μm in diameter, and with clamp connections

32. Branched filamentous organisms (e.g., Cladophora and moss protonema) require an orthogonal reorientation of Axiation, or a localized cell asymmetry (e.g., Btip^ growth in pollen tubes and fungal hyphae).

33. Ascomycete definition is - any of a group (such as class Ascomycetes or subdivision Ascomycotina) of higher fungi (such as yeasts or molds) with septate hyphae and spores formed in asci.

34. In the invading metaphase , the hyphae of the pathogen can invade the cortical area of cells of susceptible varieties, but only can invade the outer cortex cells of resistant descendants.

35. 5 hours ago · Inspired by Merlin Sheldrake’s book Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Van Herpen’s spring 2021 couture collection was Aswirl with hyphae-like …

36. In such series, conidia or aerial hyphae work equally well as transfer inocula, but 1-mm hyphal tips cut from growing mycelium do not promote senescence when used as inocula.

37. The key difference between arthrospores and Chlamydospore is that arthrospores are isolated vegetative cells that have passed into the resting state while Chlamydospores are thick-walled resting spores formed within the hyphae.

38. Fungal hyphae and spores are often well preserved in archaeological and fossil Coprolites and may provide information on environmental conditions, animal diet, and sometimes even on plant–fungus interactions (Reinhard and Bryant, 1992).

39. The function of these modified aerial hyphae is probably different from that of resting mycelium and might represent an early stage in the formation of some hitherto undescribed structure.

40. In the R-NIL roots, the exodermal cells exhibited plasmolysis and Atropous hyphal growth whereas, in the exodermal cells of the S-NIL roots, severe cellular degradation and membrane-coated, lushly grown hyphae were found.

41. (adjective) The spores, which may be unior multi-cellular, are either Abstricted free from the ends of hyphae (acrogenous), or formed from segments in their course (chlamydospores) or from protoplasm in their interior (endogenous).

42. Chlamydospore the name for the spores of smut fungi (order Ustilaginales) and certain other fungi, formed from specialized or nonspecialized cells of the hyphae, which become enlarged and usually acquire a thickened, often pigmented membrane

43. The Biflagellate zoospores of both genera disperse in a similar way from externally formed vesicles but Pythium hyphae are thin (≤3–4 μm diameter) and retain obvious cytoplasm after zoosporogenesis; L

44. Chlamydospore the name for the spores of smut fungi (order Ustilaginales) and certain other fungi, formed from specialized or nonspecialized cells of the hyphae, which become enlarged and usually acquire a thickened, often pigmented membrane

45. Then this Chlamydospore gets detached from vegetative hyphae and they remain in resting phase and when this chlamydomonas gets enough moisture they undergo the formation of germ tube which leads to formation of new thallus

46. The colonization cycle comprises a growth phase when the fungus forms large intracellular coils, host cytoplasm proliferates and the starch content of the plastids decreases, followed by senescence when the hyphae die back and aggregate into large masses.

47. ‘The fungus produces a type of spore - a Basidiospore - that can be spread from plant to plant by wind or splashing water.’ ‘After 2-3 weeks of incubation at room temperature, extensive hyphae were produced and both Basidiospores (sexual spores) and blastospores (asexual …

48. The Ascomycota, or Ascomycetes, represent a phylum within the kingdom of Fungi, which are non-mobile, cellular organisms, whose structure is composed by threads called hyphae. They produce their compounds by absorption or exchange (heterotrophy) and reproduce by spores.

49. In the filamentous fungus model organism Aspergillus nidulans, the last step of carbon-starvation-triggered Autolysis was the degradation of the cell wall of empty hyphae, and this process was independent of concomitantly progressing cell death at the level of regulation.

50. The aerial mycelium of fungi is only slightly inhibited by antibiotics in most cases, but in some species of Basidiomycetes little concentrations of some inhibitors, e.g. polyene antibiotics, retard the growth of aerial hyphae more than the growth of substrate mycelium.