hydrothermal in English

of, relating to, or denoting the action of heated water in the earth's crust.
It contains structures called hydrothermal (hot water) vents, which spew superheated fluids into the seawater.

Use "hydrothermal" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hydrothermal" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hydrothermal", or refer to the context using the word "hydrothermal" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hydrothermal Alteration is the interacting of hydrous liquids, called hydrothermal fluids, reacting with surrounding rock

2. Hydrothermal Alteration Marcella Yant

3. The deposit middle temperature meteoric hydrothermal ore deposit.

4. Hydrothermal vents is an example of an Anoxic environment.

5. *access to hydrothermal circuits at the Biomar Spa.

6. Mineralized hydrothermal water mainly originated from the atmospheric rainfall.

7. It is as if they are on a hydrothermal treadmill.

8. And the hydrothermal vents were in an acidic environment.

9. Many warmth-loving organisms cluster around the lake’s hydrothermal vents.

10. Perhaps there are tide pools and perhaps volcanic activity and hydrothermal activity.

11. Research results on growth of amethyst crystal by hydrothermal method are presented.

12. They are mainly montmorillonitized rock zones formed by hydrothermal alteration.

13. Adhesive properties of sapupira can be greatly improved by hydrothermal treatment.

14. Hydrothermal method for making panels for formaldehyde decomposition, and panels made thereby

15. SIBOM® Boehmites are formed by hydrothermal ageing of aluminium hydroxide

16. Thegenesis pertains to dynamo metamorphism hydrothermal metasomatic deposit under structural control.

17. This penetrative hydrothermal alteration is associated with the Brecciation of the dolerite

18. (2) It likely exists as a hydrothermal alteration product of Aluminous materials

19. And they thrive in exotic places on Earth, like hydrothermal vents and hot springs.

20. The genesis of the deposit belongs to hydrothermal - exhalation stratabound deposit of syngenetic fault.

21. Thermal decomposition and hydrothermal reactions of aluminum oxides and hydroxides were studied.

22. Description: Arsenopyrite is formed in hydrothermal deposits, especially those formed at medium to high temperatures

23. Taoyuan molybdenum ore belongs to mesothermal hydrothermal vein deposit. Alteration of country rock has linear feature.

24. Tuning the size and shape of nano-Boehmites by a free-additive hydrothermal method P

25. Autunite is a radioactive orthorhombic mineral which results from the hydrothermal alteration of uranium minerals

26. Even animals that normally live in warm hydrothermal waters survive only when kept chilled.

27. All the orthopyroxene crystals are replaced by Bastite, and plagioclase is moderately saussuritized because of hydrothermal alteration

28. The Biotite grains in equilibrium with hydrothermal fluid at the Geita Hill deposit have low IV(F

29. nature of surrounding rocks, their chemistry and mineralogy, including hydrothermal alteration of mineralised rocks and barren rocks

30. Autunite is a radioactive orthorhombic mineral which results from the hydrothermal alteration of uranium minerals

31. Hydrothermal activity has altered many rocks in the caldera, transforming them into travertine and clay.

32. This paper presents two different decomposition and coordination methods in short term hydrothermal optimal scheduling.

33. The mineral zoning and the hydrothermal alteration of the rocks indicate a porphyry copper ore deposit.

34. These hills result from hydrothermal alteration of the granites which are characteristic of the area.

35. Hydrothermal veins containing quartz, muscovite, amblygonite-montebrasite, apatite, fluorite, and/or cassiterite appear spatially related to the tourmalinites.

36. The study considers the hydrothermal alteration of the volcanic rocks in the Köprülü region (western Turkey).

37. The complete mitogenome of the hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus (Decapoda, Brachyura) and comparison with Brachyuran crabs

38. The formation of halloysite is due to hydrothermal alteration, and it is often found near carbonate rocks.

39. It can be shown that the material is produced by hydrothermal alterations related to calcite veining.

40. Marine Biotopes of hyperthermophiles are various hydrothermal systems, located at shallow and abyssal depth, and at active seamounts, e.g

41. In hydrothermal deposits, Bornite usually is found in association with chalcopy-rite, pyrite, sphalerite, and fahlerz (gray copper ore)

42. The thermal input from hydrothermal springs along submarine spreading centers may drive major patterns of deepwater circulation.

43. In the Crystallization sequence from hydrothermal solutions, calcite is typically a late and low-temperature crystallizing mineral

44. nature of surrounding rocks, their chemistry and mineralogy, including hydrothermal alteration of mineralised rocks and barren rocks,

45. The most common types of hydrothermal wall-rock alteration are phyllic alteration (sericitization), silicification, carbonatization, and sulfidization.

46. But proving that life originated at hydrothermal vents involves more than just showing that it could have.

47. Alteration is defined as any Alteration of rocks or minerals by the reaction of hydrothermal fluid with preexisting solid phases

48. My eyes and head begin to ache from looking so intently for any sign of hydrothermal activity in the area.

49. It is suggested that sphalerite and Briartite co-precipitated from a hydrothermal fluid having an intermediate sulfidation state.

50. It is supposed that montmorillonite was formed by early hydrothermal alteration of rock flour or fine glass particles.