humoring in English

comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be.
she was always humoring him to prevent trouble
synonyms:indulgeaccommodatepander tocater toyield togive way togive in togo along withpamperspoilbabyoverindulgemollifyplacategratifysatisfy

Use "humoring" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "humoring" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "humoring", or refer to the context using the word "humoring" in the English Dictionary.

1. I appreciate you humoring me.

2. Bill was just humoring me.

3. Synonyms for Babying include indulgence, coddling, cosseting, mollycoddling, mothering, humoring, humouring, nannying, catering to someone's every whim and …

4. Amercers Accreting Unexciting Gauntleting Humoring Ugly As A Dead Monkey Flues Derive Rescinding Basic Chondrosarcoma Mistreat Impost Coexistent Restlessly Stop Working Rigescent Menaced Foredoomed Colchicum