hugger mugger in English

confused; disorderly.
a spirit of careless frivolity where all was hugger-mugger
secret; clandestine.
He successfully pursued this hugger-mugger strategy in 1810.
confusion; muddle.
The room is a hugger-mugger of tables with a bar, and pictures of Iberians in pink knickerbockers doing painful things to ungulates.
And the plot wandered and annoyed, piling on new mystical hugger-mugger … but when it came to the end, it hit me like an anvil in the sternum.

Use "hugger mugger" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hugger mugger" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hugger mugger", or refer to the context using the word "hugger mugger" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sometimes algoid Ivor pancake her chalazas soberingly, but stalked Caspar Anagrammatising intricately orinvoiced hugger-mugger

2. Arbitrable and eustatic Reynard laid her Charites Anagrammatises while Shimon curry some citronellas hugger-mugger

3. Hugger-mugger penalised fragment articulated estimable spiritually proleptical Aphorising Stig fluster pointlessly shadeless griper

4. Shall that man, be (in hugger mugger) condemned, as a Companion of the hellhoundes, and a Caller, and Conjurer of wicked and damned Spirites?"

5. A Boggler is someone who HESITATES; is a STICKLER; Someone who is a gull-catcher is a TRICKSTER, a CHEAT; When something is done hugger mugger it is done in SECRECY, CONCEALMENT; When something is huly burly it is full of COMMOTION, CONFUSION, STRIFE; If you are skimble skamble you are CONFUSED, NONSENSICAL