homoeopathic in English


[ho·moe·o·path·ic || ‚həʊmɪəʊ'pæθɪk]

of homeopathy; pertaining to a method in which disease is treated with small doses of a remedy that would produce symptoms of the disease in a healthy perso

Use "homoeopathic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "homoeopathic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "homoeopathic", or refer to the context using the word "homoeopathic" in the English Dictionary.

1. When first seen at the homoeopathic clinic, he was just able to get around with one tripod.

2. It works in a totally different way from conventional medicine, which is known to Homoeopathic practitioners as Allopathy.

3. Earlier studies have indicated that homoeopathic physicians do not recommend or apply vaccinations as frequently as their allopathic colleagues.

4. These anomalous properties of water may turn out to be of considerable importance in the preparation of homoeopathic remedies.

5. All in all it was a wide variety of clinical situations in which to assess the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment.

6. Allopaths and traditional medical practitioners in Kerala are locking horns after Kerala Health Minister K K Shailaja backed the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicine in curbing Covid-19 spread.

7. ‘Aperients should not be given if any doubt about cause of constipation exists.’ ‘Besides alcohol and ether, the patient took vast quantities of Aperients, thyroid preparations and various salts, as well as homoeopathic preparations.’

8. Clergyman or Magistrate Clergyman - English Only forum Clergyman, priest, minister - English Only forum homoeopathic Clergyman [AE: homeopathic] - English Only forum It is the Clergyman’s [function] to help - English Only forum Late - daughter of a late and impoverished country Clergyman, - English Only forum

9. *3 days to go for the event* *National Homoeopathic Seminar in Indore* On *8 Dec 2019* by *Dr Gaurang Gaikwad* 📍 *Highlights of Workshop* - _Learn How to treat Acutes & Emergency cases_ - learn how to use nosodes and sarcodes - _Learn how to use different Materia Medica: Allen's Keynotes, Boericke MM, Clarke's Dictionary_ - _Learn how to use

10. Aperients were given in various forms and quantities and at different stages of the patient's admission.: Feverish and irritable conditions yield frequently to Aperients, or to gelsemium and quinine.: Besides alcohol and ether, the patient took vast quantities of Aperients, thyroid preparations and various salts, as well as homoeopathic preparations.: In all cases the bowels should be moved by