home secretary in English

(in the UK) the Secretary of State in charge of the Home Office.
He is close to the Foreign Secretary and former Home Secretary , Jack Straw.

Use "home secretary" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "home secretary" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "home secretary", or refer to the context using the word "home secretary" in the English Dictionary.

1. The home secretary.

2. Callaghan became Home Secretary.

3. Home Secretary Theresa May said she " utterly condemned " the violence .

4. 14 Chris Grayling, the shadow home secretary, will today send a letter to the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, demanding an explanation why the trade was allowed to happen.

5. 15 The study received a lukewarm response from the Home Secretary.

6. 20 The Home Secretary is considering a new law against stalking.

7. 13 The Home Secretary has recommended the two drug dealers for deportation.

8. In January , Home Secretary Jacqui Smith went further , actually describing terrorism as " anti - Islamic . "

9. Under the Royal Charter, the BBC must obtain a licence from the Home Secretary.

10. The prime minister has asked the home secretary to come and represent him here today.

11. 21 The Home Secretary should bear in mind the fact that this case is subjudice.

12. 12 Chris Grayling, shadow home secretary, said he had fears about the abuse of the data.

13. The last home secretary in John Major's Conservative government built prisons, toughened sentences and curbed freedoms.

14. This would not preclude the Home Secretary from completing the preparation of the rest of the Bill.

15. 7 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke wants to bring forward plans to change the law in the new year.

16. Sonia's deportation was only reversed because the Home Secretary used his discretion to consider the compassionate circumstances of her case.

17. The Home Secretary of India and the Interior Secretary of Pakistan have just had a good meeting, a positive meeting.

18. The Home Secretary of India and the Interior Secretary of Pakistan have just concluded a very positive round of discussions.

19. For instance, the Home Secretary is regularly criticised for leniency on such issues from this lobby at the Conservative Party conferences.

20. If you Curb something, you control it and keep it within definite limits.proposals to Curb the powers of the Home Secretary

21. Home Secretary Theresa May gives a statement to the House of Commons on terror Abscondee Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed, and crosses swords with Yvette Cooper on TPi

22. The editors of the Sun newspaper handed a petition bearing nearly 280,000 signatures to Home Secretary Michael Howard, in a bid to increase the time spent by both boys in custody.

23. External Affairs Minister Khurshid was joined by Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia; Adviser to the Prime Minister on Public Information, Infrastructure and Innovation Sam Pitroda; Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai; Home Secretary R.K.

24. In a further Warrant of King George V dated 10th March 1922 the Home Secretary is required to appoint a senior official as Registrar of the Baronetage charged with the duty of keeping the Roll and making all necessary entries and deletions

25. Meanwhile, the cartels have a huge investment in Bludgeoning governments into following industry dictates and British home secretary Jacqui Smith, “is seriously considering taking on the role of Big Sister, seemingly planning a form of online censorship,” we said in another post