hinnom in English


deep and narrow valley located west and south of Jerusalem where Jews who worshiped idols burned their children alive as a sacrifice to Moloch and Baal

Use "hinnom" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hinnom" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hinnom", or refer to the context using the word "hinnom" in the English Dictionary.



3. Valley of Hinnom

4. Child sacrifice in Hinnom (31)

5. James mentions “Gehenna,” the Valley of Hinnom.

6. This word comes from the Hebrew Geh Hin·nomʹ, meaning “Valley of Hinnom.”

7. CLUE: I burned my own sons as a sacrifice in the Valley of Hinnom.

8. It has been identified with a level plot on the south side of the Valley of Hinnom.

9. In Jesus’ day, the inhabitants of Jerusalem used the Valley of Hinnom as a garbage dump.

10. Though found in the Christian Greek Scriptures, “Gehenna” is drawn from two Hebrew words, Gaʹi and Hin·nomʹ, meaning Valley of Hinnom.

11. (Isaiah 30:32, 33) Topheth, in the Valley of Hinnom, is used here as a figurative place burning with fire.

12. Spectacular findings were made when a group of burial caves on the slopes of the Hinnom Valley were excavated in 1979/80.

13. At Jeremiah 31:40, for example, the Valley of Hinnom is evidently called the “low plain of the carcasses and of the fatty ashes.”

14. There was a Judean population at Beersheba in the postexilic period , and Judean occupation extended from “Beer-sheba to the Valley of Hinnom” .

15. He desecrated Topheth, which was in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, so no one could use it to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire to Molech.

16. The prophet there apparently refers to going out “of Jerusalem to the surrounding Hinnom Valley (Gehenna), where human sacrifice was once practiced (Jer 7:31) and which eventually became the city’s refuse heap.”

17. He even made metal images for the Baals, and he made offerings in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom and burned his sons as an offering, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the people of Israel