high probability in English

good chance, high likelihood

Use "high probability" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "high probability" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "high probability", or refer to the context using the word "high probability" in the English Dictionary.

1. There seemed to be a high probability of success.

2. There is a high probability that it will snow tonight.

3. There's a high probability that the children will follow a different career.

4. The advantage of an Autograft is a high probability of successful bone fusion

5. Hence, CSI can at most provide a "very high probability", but not absolute certainty.

6. The object is to ensure that lots of acceptable quality have a high probability of acceptance.

7. E2.1 Active Stakeholder Engagement and High Probability of Approval (E2.1) or Medium Probability of Approval (E2.2).

8. Your creative potential exists with a high probability of being sabotaged by fear, vacillation, and self - doubt.

9. The algorithm is then required to accept correct proofs and reject incorrect proofs with very high probability.

10. Also there is a high probability that your holiday meals were lower in roughage than your own regime at home.

11. The high probability of photon absorption may lead to increased efficiency and more power generation from an array of photovoltaic bristles.

12. Thus there is a very high probability that some sort of headgear was used to control horses prior to the development of the bit.

13. Metamaterial devices with an array of photovoltaic bristles, and/or vias, may enable each photovoltaic bristle to have a high probability of photon absorption.

14. If you see colon just as you turn on the iliopsoas muscle, there is a high probability the Appendix is in the deep pelvis.

15. Timothy Keating, the head of U. S. Pacific Command, said there was a " high probability" U. S. forces could smack down a North Korean missile.

16. The countries in the EU are so integrated with regard to monetary policy and laws that a crisis in one country has a high probability of spreading to other countries in the EU .

17. Knowledge at this point indicates that basal cell adenocarcinoma has a rather high probability of local recurrence (up to 50%) and a mostly lymphogenous metastatic potential for as long as 10 years after removal of the primary tumor.

18. A beautiful song can play, a pretty girl could walk by, they don't care, but they see a crossbar to a capital A, they get very excited and they say "crossbar," and they put out a high probability on their output axon.

19. That has a high probability of containing Archaeologic al artifacts, shall have a qualified archeologist, as approved by the administrator, prepare a site study to determine the effect that any proposed action may have on the archeological site and recommend necessary treatment and mitigation measures

20. Collectively, these studies suggest that there is no lifetime performance advantage to waiting to Castrate calves until weaning, but there is a risk of negatively impacting carcass quality by delaying castration and a high probability of receiving lower prices when marketing intact calves through conventional channels.

21. ‘Further study of this technique may offer an easy to perform, office-based, non-invasive method for assessing the blood flow after Arterialization of the deep dorsal vein.’ ‘This is a case of systemic Arterialization of normal lung, which should be included in the differential diagnosis in patients with false-positive high-probability (V