high income in English

high salary, great salary

Use "high income" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "high income" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "high income", or refer to the context using the word "high income" in the English Dictionary.

1. High income tax can undermine work incentives.

2. Cess is levied on high income group people, as …

3. People on a high income should pay more tax.

4. To actualize BPR is a high - risk, high - income item.

5. Belgium is a developed country, with an advanced high-income economy.

6. 2 days ago · High-Income Tax Avoidance Far Larger Than Thought, New Paper Estimates The very top sliver of high-income Americans may underreport their income at …

7. Actualizers-High income and high resource group for whom independence is very important

8. Kuwait has a high-income economy backed by the world's sixth largest oil reserves.

9. Being up at the top means that you're enjoying a high income in retirement.

10. Austria is a culturally rich, high-income parliamentary democracy that hosts several key international organizations

11. 2 The so - called golden - collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain - workers with high income.

12. Is the US ( and a number of other high - income countries ) on the road to fiscal armageddon?

13. The targets of high income Member States are consequently adjusted in the proposal to reflect cost-effectiveness.

14. But many high-income taxpayers will be affected by the revival of the personal-exemption phaseout, or PEP.

15. A price increase of 10 % decreases consumption on average by about 4% in high income countries among adults.

16. What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income.

17. Ride the work that is a steady high income emptily to some people, but my greatest dream for me.

18. 25 Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.

19. If a project is going to generate high income, then the capital grant will be smaller, and vice versa.

20. The fact that interest on home mortgages and property taxes remain deductible is of disproportionate benefit to high-income groups.

21. A price increase of 10% will decrease consumption on average by about 4% in high-income Member States among adults.

22. There may well be a tendency for zoning on the part of high-income groups in order to exclude the poor.

23. Additional Medicare Tax: High-income earners may also have to pay an additional 0.9% tax on wages, compensation, and self-employment income.

24. Developing-country stock markets are up 12.6 percent since June, while equity markets in high-income countries are up by 10.7 percent.

25. The number of homes sold to median-to-high income earners rose while neighbourhood representatives expressed concern over the concentration of substandard property.

26. President Obama proposed the American Jobs Act in 2011, which included infrastructure investment and tax breaks offset by tax increases on high income earners.

27. Like many of the tax Credits on this list, the Federal Adoption Tax Credit is income-restricted, meaning that high-income taxpayers can't use it

28. Individuals with high investment income likely Benefited the most because the changes allowed more high-income individuals to qualify for a lower capital gains tax rate

29. The US could have Averted 40% of the deaths from Covid-19, had the country’s death rates corresponded with the rates in other high-income G7 …

30. WASHINGTON, January 15, 2013 – Four years after the onset of the global financial crisis, the world economy remains fragile and growth in high-income countries is weak.

31. High income countries must address the legitimate needs of migrants, including receiving back their pension benefits and social security contributions, especially in cases of migration of shorter durations.

32. The Baluchis now enjoy a relatively high-income level compared to the indigenous communities, and despite their long residence in the area, they have retained their ethnic and tribal characteristics

33. America's Best Bargain Cities "There's an increasing amount of anecdotal evidence that locational decisions are being made Aversely to the interests of New York because of our very high income tax

34. Another possible effect is Assortive mating: a highly educated woman is likely to marry a similarly well-educatedman with a high income, and this income may have a positive effect on fertility

35. A Backdoor Roth IRA is a convenient loophole that allows high-income individuals to enjoy all the tax benefits that a Roth IRA has to offer by converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA

36. What is a mega Backdoor Roth IRA? Roth IRA contributions are off-limits for high-income earners-- that's anyone with an annual income of $140,000 or more if filing taxes as single or head of

37. New Agreement to Cut price of Rapid COVID-19 Tests for Low-Income Countries High-income countries currently perform more than 250 COVID-19 tests/day per 100,000 people, the rate is ten times lower

38. Arborise is aimed at donors (ideally families) from high-income countries who want to fight global warming and at the same time provide a significant support to some of the world’s poorest families and a respectful incentive to care for their forest heritage

39. The projections could, however, face risks from external shocks, including financial market disruptions arising out of changes in monetary policy in high income countries, slower global growth, higher oil prices, and adverse investor sentiment arising out of geo-political tensions in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.