heuristic algorithm in English

algorithm that is based on empirical theory, algorithm that gives an effective solution for specific types of input

Use "heuristic algorithm" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heuristic algorithm" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heuristic algorithm", or refer to the context using the word "heuristic algorithm" in the English Dictionary.

1. A heuristic algorithm for rapid formation of the explosion fragments is proposed.

2. A decomposition heuristic algorithm was developed to solve the single machine total tardiness problem.

3. Uncertain face detection is solved by heuristic algorithm, which is invulnerable to gesture, expression and accessories.

4. Then taken the ECT solution as feasible initial solution, the final solution was improved by using a heuristic algorithm.

5. The simulation results show that the new heuristic algorithm brings about better resource utilization and more balanced resource capacity assignment than the previous ones.

6. 22 But the RWA in mesh networks is a NP-hard problem which can not be solved optimally with exhaustive search in the endurable time. Hence, we designed a heuristic algorithm to solve it.