hero-worship in English

excessive admiration for someone.
In fact, it was outright hero worship - Sinatra aped the way D'Amato dressed, smoked, tipped, even the way he spoke.
admire (someone) excessively.
She was a devoted mother who hero-worshipped her children, and they similarly worshipped her.

Use "hero-worship" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hero-worship" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hero-worship", or refer to the context using the word "hero-worship" in the English Dictionary.

1. 20 Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero-worship.

2. The North Korean government claims there is no cult of personality, but rather genuine hero worship.

3. Synonyms for Adulate include worship, idolise, idolize, adore, deify, canonise, canonize, hero-worship, dote on and revere

4. After Bullpens dominated the postseason for much of the 2010s, and after 25 years and counting of Mariano Rivera hero worship, it’s as clear as ever that a great bullpen is a force multiplier in

5. As Taylor Acquaints us with the pecking order in his school, his parents' conversations and escalating arguments, his struggle with his stammer, his hero worship of his older cousin, the prejudice and ignorance of his adult acquaintances, his first crush and first …

6. What Diop is adding to this picture is this crucial element, which is the football under his arm, and by doing that, Diop is actually touching at our hero worship culture of African football stars, who unfortunately, despite their fame, their immense talent, and their royalty status, they are still invisible.

7. Hypernyms ("Admiration" is a kind of): liking (a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Admiration"): Anglophilia (Admiration for Britain and British customs) hero worship (Admiration for great men (or their memory)) philhellenism (Admiration for Greece and the Greeks and Greek

8. Never mind, I can accept that ferocious Buggerings were a thing of the past by the time Cameron & Co got to their Public Schools, perhaps this is the reason for Dave’s willingness to embrace gay marriages in church - those who were done up the wrong 'un, consensually via hero-worship or not, would surely not want to go anywhere near that field of activity again, in any way?