henry i in English


(1068-1135) king of England from 1100 to 1135

Use "henry i" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "henry i" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "henry i", or refer to the context using the word "henry i" in the English Dictionary.

1. June 15 – Battle of Agridi: Henry I of Cyprus defeats the armies of Frederick II.

2. 30 Henry I of England dies of food poisoning from a surfeit of lampreys at St.

3. On this day in 968, Matilda, Queen of Germany, widow of King Henry I, died at Quedlinburg Abbey, the house of secular Canonesses she founded in 936

4. William the Aetheling, French Guillaume Aetheling, (born 1103—died November 25, 1120, at sea off Barfleur, France), Anglo-Norman prince, only son of Henry I of England and recognized duke of Normandy (as William IV, or as William III if the earlier claim of his uncle, William Rufus, is not acknowledged).He succeeded his uncle, the imprisoned Duke Robert II Curthose.

5. William Ætheling (Middle English: [ˈwiliəm ˈaðəliŋɡ], Old English: [ˈæðeliŋɡ]; 5 August 1103 – 25 November 1120), commonly called Adelin, sometimes Adelinus, Adelingus, A(u)delin or other Latinised Norman-French variants of Ætheling, was the son of Henry I of England by his wife Matilda of Scotland, and was thus heir apparent to the English throne.

6. Angevin (adj.) in reference to the English royal house of the 12th and early 13th centuries (Henry II, Richard I, and John) descended from Geoffrey, count of Anjou, and Matilda, daughter of Henry I, 1650s, literally "pertaining to the French province of Anjou," from French Angevin, from Medieval Latin Andegavinus, from Andegavum "Angers," city in France, capital of Anjou (Latin Andegavia