heavy lifting in English

the lifting of heavy objects.
The rotation we prescribe alternates heavy and light lifting, but it also has some heavy lifting every training day, so that your muscles are never able to become complacent and take a break from growing.

Use "heavy lifting" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heavy lifting" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heavy lifting", or refer to the context using the word "heavy lifting" in the English Dictionary.

1. Clout Turnkey Leave The Heavy Lifting To Us

2. Some Consultants focus on strategy while others do the heavy lifting

3. I always did the heavy lifting, and look what that cost me.

4. 326 words related to Colloquialism: firewall, fix, heavy lifting, biz, game, no-brainer

5. Heavy lifting or intense coughing are two common Causes of chest wall muscle strain

6. The Capstan does the heavy lifting with only a small amount of effort from you

7. They did a lot of heavy lifting for honest John over in the east bay.

8. Automated bidding takes the heavy lifting and guesswork out of setting bids to meet your performance goals.

9. Automated bidding takes the heavy lifting and guesswork out of setting bids to help meet your performance goals.

10. Alift Crane in Mound, MN have the experience and the knowledge to tackle the heavy lifting jobs

11. Boosters are tools that accelerate your ability to save by doing some of the heavy lifting for you

12. Contextualised reimagines how people use data by removing the heavy lifting involved with data integration, analysis, and contextualisation

13. He gets stuck with menial labor or cleanup duty, as well as the heavy lifting because he is extremely strong.

14. Adman Civil Projects Limited developed the latest techniques to deliver the Design & Construction of platforms for heavy lifting operations

15. While for others, optimal is the expectation that Automations should do all the heavy lifting and UI’s simply fade into the background

16. The Apex CURES: STRESS incontinence (which is incontinence caused by physical movement or activity — such as coughing, sneezing, running or heavy lifting)

17. Bolder provides you with the tools to mash it together, and lets your private cloud do all the heavy lifting connecting the dots

18. The Insert Caption feature in Word does most of the heavy lifting for you, when you want to add a Caption to a picture

19. If you want to focus on conversions, consider using Smart Bidding to take much of the heavy lifting and guesswork out of setting bids.

20. This Chugger XCPSS-IN-1 Stainless Steel Inline Pump is an affordable solution to painful heavy lifting during the wort transferring process of your homebrewing sessions

21. The 2017 release of Adobe Captivate empowers you to leap ahead with a smart eLearning design platform that does the heavy lifting of creating responsive eLearning content.

22. Think of us as your personal assistant, or Bellhop— handling the logistical heavy lifting of aggregating ride providers and sorting them to help you choose the best ride

23. The sense of futility is lost, forcing Neill and Caton to compensate by pitching their performances at a broader level instead of letting sheer Cragginess do the heavy lifting

24. Bursae allow the joints of the body to articulate repeatedly throughout life while withstanding pressures like the impact from running or the pull on a joint that can be caused with heavy lifting.

25. Column: Ryan Pace and the cap-Crunched Chicago Bears have heavy lifting ahead of them as they plan for a QB — and many other parts — heading into free agency Brad Biggs Chicago Tribune Mar 5, 2021

26. Aboss - Software for artists, agents and managers Software for booking agencies, artists & artist managers in the entertainment industry. Aboss takes all the heavy lifting out of your hands and lets you focus on what’s important.

27. Ablaze is completely saturation proof, it will continue producing results for months, and even years from now Unlike other softwares Ablaze has been battle tested, refined and completely rebuilt before being released on to the market - we have already done all the heavy lifting for you.

28. ‘All Conscious thought seemed to shut off, disconnect, leaving him only to instincts.’ ‘Specialized neural machinery takes care of the heavy lifting while our Conscious minds sit lazily at the controls.’ ‘The Conscious mind then reverses the reverse message and directs us to speak in forward speech.’

29. Accumb :: MonadIO m => a --^ the initial value-> Event (a -> a) --^ the stream state transitions-> m (Behavior a) --^ the resulting Behaviour (that is a value varrying in time ) So once calcBehaviour <- Accumb initialState commands did all the heavy lifting we just have to extract the display text from the state and to render it in the outputBox: