heated argument in English

vehement argument, angry debate

Use "heated argument" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heated argument" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heated argument", or refer to the context using the word "heated argument" in the English Dictionary.

1. How might it be possible to prevent a disagreement from escalating into a heated argument?

2. Emotion may overshadow reason, or a calm discussion may quickly turn into a heated argument.

3. Finally, a heated argument over the benefits of skimmed milk led to her death from apoplexy.

4. Her husband was having a heated argument with a short fat woman about television as an inducement to juvenile delinquency.

5. 22 Her husband was having a heated argument with a short fat woman about television as an inducement to juvenile delinquency.

6. Then, the apostles became embroiled once again in a heated argument over which one of them seemed to be the greatest.

7. To conduct a heated argument; to argue intensely: Julia's two daughters Altercated about who would sit in the front seat of the car on their way to go shopping with their mother, who decided to have both girls sit in the back! 2