health care reform in English

passage and/or amendment of laws pertaining to health care and health insurance

Use "health care reform" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "health care reform" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "health care reform", or refer to the context using the word "health care reform" in the English Dictionary.

1. Health care reform is long overdue.

2. He's already solicited their support on health care reform.

3. Health-care reform, his first hope, was woefully mishandled.

4. The debate in America over health - care reform turned rancorous.

5. Community leaders hope to form a health-care reform coalition.

6. Experimentation in health-care reform should be left to each

7. Democrats in the US Congress are racing to pass health care reform legislation.

8. This year’s health-care reform legislation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a starting point.

9. Until now both candidates have avoided talking about the touchy subject of health care reform.

10. The second year went up in the flames of a deeply flawed health-care reform.

11. The AP says the second most important story was health care reform in the United States .

12. Several leading Democrats, in the administration and in Congress, have made hostile noises about health-care reform.

13. Obama was right to push for a health-care reform that would increase the sector’s efficiency and accessibility.

14. • The Cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.

15. The Cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination: 7

16. Those in charge of drawing up a blueprint for health-care reform talk of slapping mandatory controls on all drug prices.

17. This series of questions also shows that when it comes to what Americans want to see in a health care reform package, there is a fair bit of bipartisanship.

18. Here is a President who is attempting to change health care reform, after decades of our country not having Adequated health care for its people and everyone is turning against him

19. And, during your own campaign, you admitted, in the context of health-care reform, that the multinational insurance Conglomeration is so firmly entrenched that you would be unable to dispense with it.

20. Domestic American politics has become so Cripplingly partisan that Congress can't pass a long-term spending bill or deal with critical issues such as immigration reform, comprehensive health-care reform, or provide the massive funding needed to repair the country's crumbling infrastructure.

21. We have reacted like frightened sheep to the onslaught of ads and Bombast from the likes of Sarah Palin, who catered to our racism in the face of a potential black president, and to our fears of making grandma "shovel ready" during the health care reform debates.