have-nots in English

economically disadvantaged people.
lack of access to information will perpetuate the division between the haves and have-nots
    poor person

Use "have-nots" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "have-nots" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "have-nots", or refer to the context using the word "have-nots" in the English Dictionary.

1. Never has Chabrol revealed so relentlessly the dangerous, ever-widening chasm between the haves and the have-nots. Sentencedict.com

2. The CM directed monitoring of Pannahgahs and Almonries and said the PTI government gave priority to the welfare of the have-nots

3. 30 There are only two families in the world, as a grandmother of mine used to say, the haves and the have-nots

4. I think you can make fun of the have but not the have- nots, which is why you don't see me making fun of

5. MLK: A Bootless Man Cannot Lift Himself By His Bootstraps This is America’s opportunity to help bridge the gulf between the haves and the have-nots

6. For defective consumers, those contemporary have-nots, non-shopping is the jarring and festering stigma of a life un-fulfilled –and of own nonentity and good-for-nothingness.

7. Billauer, Barbara P., Genetically-Engineered Begots, Have-Nots, and Tinkered Tots: (High Scoring PolyGenic Kids as a Heredity-Camelot) - An Introduction to the Legalities and Bio-Ethics of Advanced IVF and Genetic Editing (May 23, 2021).

8. En These trends include overrated expectations in the field of nuclear disarmament, which are far from the real state of affairs in the sphere of strategic stability and international security; the obvious Contraposition of nuclear haves and have-nots and the growing populist rhetoric on the ostensibly “discriminatory” character of

9. In Crosshairs, the second novel by Toronto writer and playwright Catherine Hernandez, the distinction between dystopia and reality becomes increasingly imperceptible.Hernandez presents the disintegration of Canada into a bifurcated society of haves and have-nots, a story made all the more terrifying for how much of it has already come to pass.

10. The rise of Credentialism is an onerous and angry philosophy of separation forced upon the “have nots” by the “already haves.” That phony-on-the-surface and irresistible-in-the-depths separation of people by paper is an ominous cloud along the horizon of our educated humanity because this is a separation not by talent or ability or deeds but by theory and strategy and if you doubt it