harmonic progression in English

a series of chord changes forming the underlying harmony of a piece of music.
Often it is as if all the elements of the music have suddenly concentrated themselves into a rhythm or a harmonic progression , or a flash of pure tonality; but such moments are impossible in isolation.
a sequence of quantities whose reciprocals are in arithmetic progression (e.g., 1, 1 / 3 , 1 / 5 , 1 / 7 , etc.).
He uses similar relationships to structure his improvisations, generating melodic patterns based on underlying harmonic progressions derived from Fibonacci numbers and the ratios between them.

Use "harmonic progression" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "harmonic progression" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "harmonic progression", or refer to the context using the word "harmonic progression" in the English Dictionary.

1. The article is based on his vocals , analysing and researching their harmonic technique and style from the aspects of the chord structure , the harmonic progression , the mode and tonality etc.

2. The harmonic progression is almost minimal, yet fascinating in that it’s more a study in parallel harmonies than show-offish Atonalisms, and when Cordero does push the envelope, as in a marvelously dramatic guitar break in the second movement, it is always (as Romero puts it) to enhance the music, to give it form and structure, not just to