haredi in English

a member of any of various Orthodox Jewish sects characterized by strict adherence to the traditional form of Jewish law and rejection of modern secular culture, many of whom do not recognize the modern state of Israel as a spiritual authority.
The Ashkenazi Haredim traditionally withdrew from surrounding gentile society in the Diaspora and continue to separate themselves from mainstream Israeli society.

Use "haredi" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "haredi" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "haredi", or refer to the context using the word "haredi" in the English Dictionary.

1. Corona Infections Rising Alarmingly in Haredi Communities Ahead of Sunday’s Scheduled Reopening

2. Haredi males have the option of serving in the 97th "Netzah Yehuda" Infantry Battalion.

3. Haredi Jews are expected to represent more than 20% of Israel's Jewish population by 2028.

4. Fresh clashes in Bnei Brak as Haredi leaders blame police for violence Fireworks launched toward officers, buses attacked and burned, as rioting again breaks out in …

5. We Jews love a Broigus – whether it be a falling out in shul, an argument over Israeli policy or a haredi versus religious Zionism dispute– my goodness, our divisions would be …

6. Autonomies is set in an alternate reality of present day Israeli, a nation torn and divided by a wall into the secular “State of Israel,” with Tel Aviv as its capital, and the “Haredi Autonomy” in Jerusalem, run by the ultraOrthodox