haplology in English

the omission of an occurrence of a sound or syllable that is repeated within a word, e.g., in probly for probably.
After all, it's hard to see how un - could be plausibly reanalyzed as a mere intensifier; more likely this is an idiosyncratic sort of haplology , where the form unpacked stands in for ununpacked.

Use "haplology" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "haplology" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "haplology", or refer to the context using the word "haplology" in the English Dictionary.

1. Synonyms for Asyndetons include omission, elisions, aphereses, apheses, apocopes, apostrophe, ellipses, gapping, haplographies and haplology

2. There are various sound changes such as diphthongization, palatalization, metathesis, Anaptyxis, apocope, syncope, vowel breaking, haplology, assimilation, dissimilation, and the like

3. For the Allophone-type concept, I have sometimes suggested the term "Allophoneme" -- i.e., Allophon(e)-eme -- although this leaves the Allophone- token concept with the implied stutter-like, haplology-rife label "allo-allo- phone"