haman in English


grand vizier of Persia who plotted the destruction of the Jews but was hung when his plan was discovered (from the Book of Esther)

Use "haman" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "haman" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "haman", or refer to the context using the word "haman" in the English Dictionary.

1. Esther exposes Haman (1-6a)

2. Haman exalted by the king (1-4)

3. That sounded the death knell for Haman.

4. Esther bravely pointed out the wickedness of Haman

5. Haman plots to destroy the Jews (5-15)

6. Well, Haman is an Agagite, probably a royal Amalekite.

7. Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman?

8. (b) How did Haman act when exposed as a scheming coward?

9. Haman, exposed as the scheming coward that he was, groveled at the queen’s feet.

10. 20, 21. (a) How did Esther expose Haman, eliciting what reaction from the king?

11. Haman liked their idea and immediately set about the task. —Esther 5:12-14.

12. The king’s adviser, Haman, hatched a wicked plot to exterminate Mordecai’s people, the Jews.

13. The schemer was Haman, a high official in the court of Persian King Ahasuerus.

14. □ What have you learned from the examples of Haman and of Euodia and Syntyche?

15. 3:2; 5:9 —Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman?

16. 21 Haman, exposed as the scheming coward that he was, groveled at the queen’s feet.

17. Es 3:2-4 —Why might Mordecai have refused to bow down to Haman?

18. Doing so might have humiliated him and given his adviser Haman time to dispute her charges.

19. 14 Haman grudgingly carried out what to him was an odious duty and then rushed home in distress.

20. Imagine Esther pointing a finger as she said: “The man, the adversary and enemy, is this bad Haman.”

21. Haman grudgingly carried out what to him was an odious duty and then rushed home in distress.

22. One of the king’s officials then spoke up, telling the king of the huge stake that Haman had intended for Mordecai.

23. Immediately Haman reasoned in his heart: “To whom would the king take delight in rendering an honor more than me?”

24. Esther 7:6 View whole chapter See verse in context And Esther said, The Adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman

25. Haman made a law that told the people to kill all the Jews on the 13th day of the month of Adar.

26. Haman left the first banquet in high spirits, “joyful and merry of heart” that the king and queen favored him so.

27. For the time being, Haman controlled his actions and any show of emotion, but he failed to control his jealous rage.

28. Chapter 3 explains that Haman, chief man at the king’s court, hated Mordecai and obtained a decree to put all Jewish people to death.

29. In Additions to Esther (16:10) Aman is represented as a Macedonian, in all other points corresponding to the HAman of the Book of Esther.

30. Risking her life, she appears before the king with a plea in order to find some way to undo the scheme of Haman.

31. He is still more than able to catch the wicked and cunning in their own traps, just as he did Haman. —Read Psalm 7:11-16.

32. Because Esther was patient, waiting that one extra day to present her request to the king, Haman was given time to lay the basis for his own downfall.

33. Haman, however, sat drinking with the king, unmoved by the grief he had stirred up among the many Jews and their friends in Shushan. —Read Esther 3:12–4:1.

34. Haman, however, sat drinking with the king, unmoved by the grief he had stirred up among the many Jews and their friends in Shushan. —Esther 3:12–4:1.

35. 11 When Haman told his wife and friends of this slight, they urged him to prepare a huge stake, over 72 feet (22 m) tall, and then to ask the king’s permission to hang Mordecai on it.

36. Bribery: General Scriptures Concerning; Instances of Bribery • Delilah; Samuel's sons • The False Prophet, Shemaiah • Ben-Hadad • Haman Bribes Ahasuerus to Destroy the Jews • Chief Priests Bribe Judas • Soldiers Bribed to Declare That the Disciples Stole the Body of …

37. When Haman told his wife and friends of this slight, they urged him to prepare a huge stake, over 72 feet (22 m) tall, and then to ask the king’s permission to hang Mordecai on it.

38. A'-man (Aman; Codex Vaticanus reads Adam): Tobit 14:10; Additions to Esther 12:6; 16:10,17, probably in each case for HAman, the arch-enemy of the Jews in the canonical Book of Esther (compare Esther 3:1 with Additions to Esther 12:6)

39. [from the late 17th century to the mid 18th century][1] 1675, Richard Allestree, The art of contentment: Haman can find no gust in all the sensualities of the Persian Court, because a poor despicable Jew denies his Abaisance.··↑ 1.0 1.1 Lesley Brown, editor-in-chief; William R