hadiths in English

a collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad that, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunna), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Koran.
Many of the country's laws are based on the Koran and the Hadith , a collection of Mohammed's sayings.

Use "hadiths" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hadiths" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hadiths", or refer to the context using the word "hadiths" in the English Dictionary.

1. The hadiths admonish those who do not give the zakat.

2. According to one of those hadiths, the Prophet Beshrewed seven people, among whom were, Abu Jahl, Umayya b

3. (1) In addition, there are hadiths stating that the Prophet Beshrewed some polytheists who were known by their bad deeds against Islam

4. Beshrewing means wishing harm upon somebody, praying against somebody. There are some verses and hadiths indicating that it is permissible to beshrew if it is based on justifiable reasons and the deeds that are regarded as oppression and injustice by the religion.