gynoecium in English

the female part of a flower, consisting of one or more carpels.
In Convolvulaceae the median plane of the flower bisects the two carpels of the gynoecium and is axillary.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "gynoecium" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gynoecium", or refer to the context using the word "gynoecium" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bramble flowers have an Apocarpous gynoecium

2. Compound Apocarpous gynoecium is found in

3. Difference between Apocarpous and Syncarpous Gynoecium 1

4. Other articles where Apocarpous gynoecium is discussed: None

5. Apocarpous Gynoecium is a primitive condition

6. Ovary is always unilocular in Apocarpous Gynoecium.

7. The gynoecium produces egg cells, and the Androecium

8. In Apocarpous Gynoecium, the carples are separate from one another

9. The Apocarpous gynoecium has three distinct (unfused) carpels with marginal placentation

10. Location Antheridia are in the androecium Archegonia are in the gynoecium.

11. Michellia is a tall, graceful, evergreen tree which has an Apocarpous gynoecium

12. It then follows as a logical consequence that the gynoecium is acarpellate.

13. Carpel is the unit of female reproductive whorl of the flower known as ‘gynoecium

14. One or more Carpels goes to make up the entire female structure, the GYNOECIUM

15. Inside the Androecium is the gynoecium (house of woman), which is composed of carpels

16. Premise of the study: Apocarpous plants possess carpels that are separated in the gynoecium

17. One or more Carpels goes to make up the entire female structure, the GYNOECIUM.

18. : having the carpels of the gynoecium separate the buttercup is Apocarpous —opposed to syncarpous.

19. There is adnation of traces between petals, stamens, and gynoecium and this precedes the external fusion.

20. The pistil is formed from one or more Carpels; the aggregate of Carpels is called the gynoecium

21. Androecium and gynoecium are the two, opposite reproductive organs of the flower, the sexual reproductive structures in angiosperms

22. The pistil is formed from one or more Carpels; the aggregate of Carpels is called the gynoecium

23. The parts of a flower are Androecium, gynoecium and placentation which are explained below: Androecium

24. An Apocarpous gynoecium is made up of many carpels that are separate from each other

25. A spiral arrangement of primordia was neither observed in the androecium nor the gynoecium of the species studied.

26. Androecium is also called stamens, which comprises of anther and filaments while gynoecium is also called the pistil or …

27. Cuticular thickenings were also observed on the abaxial surfaces of sepals, petals, and stamens, but not on the gynoecium.

28. Within the floret is the Apetalous, bisexual grass flower consisting of a gynoecium (pistil) and three stamens (androecium)

29. In a floral formula, an inferior ovary is denoted by a line above the gynoecium symbol and number. Compare superior. See also epigyny.

30. The Androecium is the sum of all the male reproductive organs, and the gynoecium is the sum of the female reproductive organs

31. Both the calyx and corolla are the non-reproductive structures of a flower, while the Androecium and gynoecium are the reproductive structures

32. Two extra carpeloid/Antheroid structures aside the aberrant central gynoecium with Antheroid tissue are visible at the lower part of the style

33. (credit: modification of work by Mariana Ruiz Villareal) If all four whorls (the calyx, corolla, Androecium, and gynoecium) are present, the flower is described as complete.

34. Simple, dry, indehiscent, syncarpous or Apocarpous gynoecium depending on species, one-seeded with a firm and close-fitting pericarp that is attached to the seed in one location

35. A gynoecium (from Ancient Greek gyne, "woman") is the female reproductive parts of a flower.The male parts are called the Androecium.Some flowers have both female and male parts, and some do not

36. 1 Gynoecium densely sericeous; Bracteole gland, when present, sessile and covering much of the abaxial surface of the Bracteole; stipules 1.5-3 mm long, connate their whole length; northwestern Amazonia (Brazil and Colombia) L.

37. This mutation, named stamina pistilloida, is characterized by a partial fusion of the androecium with the gynoecium; the two marginal stamens of the staminal column are transformed in rudimentary carpels more or less differentiated according to ecoclimatic conditions.

38. The Androecium consists of four stamens, two long (1.5-2.0 mm) and two short (1.0-1.5 mm) and the gynoecium has superior ovary, multicarpelar and a long style (1.5-2.0 mm) with bifid stigma

39. In this study, we performed a detailed anatomical analysis of the Androecium and gynoecium in 16 species belonging to three out of the eight Bromeliaceae subfamilies, with a first-time description of the interlocular zone in anthers, a diagnostic character for Quesnelia and Aechmea species

40. In the case of a derivation from a carpellate gynoecium, one would have to postulate a phylogenetic shifting of ovule inception and (or) the reduction of the adaxial portion of a carpel whose margins were confluent and thus formed a more or less cylindrical primordium.

41. Actinomorphic condition % Zygomorphic condition: K: Calyx (Sepals) C: Corolla (petals) P: Perianth (tepals) A: Androecium (stamens) G: Gynoecium (carpels) ⚥ Bisexual flower ⚦ Unisexual, staminate flower ♀️: Unisexual, pistillate flower: K 5: Five sepals, aposepalous: K (5) Five sepals gamosepalous: C 5: Five petals, apopetalous: C (5