gulls in English

a long-winged, web-footed seabird with a raucous call, typically having white plumage with a gray or black mantle.
I could go on and on about the many herons, egrets, gulls , terns, and various and sundry other species we spotted yesterday.
a person who is fooled or deceived.
The title of this piece might seem to be no more than a comment on the ease with which the flats, mugs, suckers, punters, marks, gulls , or coneys could be relieved of their money.
fool or deceive (someone).
workers had been gulled into inflicting poverty and deprivation upon themselves
synonyms:hoodwinkfooldupedeceivedeludehoaxtrickmisleadlead ontake inswindlecheatdouble-crosspull the wool over someone's eyespull a fast one onput one over onbamboozleconsuckersnookercozen

Use "gulls" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gulls" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gulls", or refer to the context using the word "gulls" in the English Dictionary.

1. Gulls swooped and planed overhead.

2. ‘Petrels, Albatrosses, cormorants, frigatebirds, gulls etc

3. In hell, at least the gulls are contented.

4. The few gulls, mewing aimlessly, circle in, alighting.

5. The gulls flew off, wings flapping.

6. Hundreds of gulls were circling overhead.

7. Bonaparte’s Gulls are sleek, small gulls that breed in the boreal forest and winter farther south on ocean coasts, lakes, and rivers

8. With the dawn came the gulls looking for breakfast.

9. 15 The few gulls, mewing aimlessly, circle in, alighting.

10. Two gulls were fighting over a morsel of food.

11. I see a couple of gulls, but-

12. Cover offal will a net to prevent access by gulls.

13. This species looks distinctly different from other gulls.

14. Bonaparte’s Gulls are sleek, small gulls that breed in the boreal forest and winter farther south on ocean coasts, lakes, and rivers

15. When the fog lifted a tiny bit, I was able to distinguish the mix of species in the roost -- mainly herring gulls and ring-billed gulls but also a few Bonaparte's and laughing gulls, all ruled over by a few great black backs, the Burgomeister …

16. Robbing efficiency was clearly higher in albatrosses than gulls.

17. These are the gulls you're most likely to see far away from coastal areas—in fact, most Ring-Billed Gulls nest in the interior of the continent, near freshwater.

18. And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea - gulls crying.

19. Flocks of gulls curiously hovered around us , swooping up and down .

20. A bundle of old clothes - what would gulls want with that?

21. The sky sweats, copper haze blears the horizon for tomorrow's storm the gulls Annunciate

22. There was a flock of gulls now, wheeling and mewing just below the bridge.

23. 26 Lesser Black-backed Gulls nest on the cliffs periodically, as do Black Redstarts.

24. I've made designs for ships that will skim the waves like gulls, outrace anything afloat.

25. 5 Begrimed by obscure use, otiose warehouses shadowed the rigid,( corky bobbing of gulls.

26. Antarctica is home to penguins, seals, visiting whales, gulls, krill, albatross and more

27. And The flung Spray and the blown spume, and the sea - gulls crying.

28. In spring those cliffs are alive with auks and gulls, and my favourite bird, the gannet.

29. And the water is again perfectly blue, the gulls and cormorants fishing as always.

30. 9 If marauding gulls appear, the aunties sound an alarm and the young cluster tightly around them.

31. 24 Begrimed by obscure use, otiose warehouses shadowed the rigid, corky bobbing of gulls.

32. Some have to compete with gulls and rats, as they comb through refuse dumps looking for food!

33. Marauding birds such as herring gulls will grab and swallow a chick if they get a chance.

34. It is one of the world's rarest gulls, with a population of 4,000 – 6,500 pairs.

35. During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.

36. The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.

37. Cormorant young and eggs are prey to larger predatory birds like eagles, gulls, and crows

38. Familiar acrobats of the air, Ring-Billed Gulls nimbly pluck tossed tidbits from on high

39. In the brush warblers and finches are trilling again; raspberries glisten; the gulls are laughing.

40. 10 Marauding birds such as herring gulls will grab and swallow a chick if they get a chance.

41. Icebergs that last for a week or longer provide perches for bald eagles, cormorants and gulls.

42. They were like a great flock of gulls swooping to tear and gobble at their prey.

43. The gulls mewed and the sand shifted and the swan hurtled down and it was easy.

44. 26 The eldritch gulls, who navigate with their far-flung friends the rowdy sea-air above London, complicated the dream.

45. Local chargepayers and the environment will benefit ... only the gulls will lose out on their usual titbits.

46. Intraspecific and interspecific kleptoparasitism were significantly more frequent than expected in Kelp Gulls and Black-browed Albatrosses, respectively.

47. Departures of ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) from a breeding colony were significantly clumped in time and space.

48. 5 hours ago · Ring-Billed Gulls are one of the most familiar gulls in North America due to their prevalence around dumps, parking lots, and beaches, where their bold, french fry-stealing antics have earned them a negative reputation

49. Bell bird Control focuses on pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and gulls with solutions that are safe for people and animals

50. 25 The downy chicks of terns and gulls are so patterned that they are almost invisible crouching on shingle.