Use "grueling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grueling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grueling", or refer to the context using the word "grueling" in the English Dictionary.

1. Busing tables was grueling work.

2. But the conditions can be grueling.

3. The Hawaii Ironman is even more grueling.

4. For the next grueling year, I'll be your homeroom teacher.

5. The recruits were put through a week of grueling endurance tests.

6. Some employees work grueling hours to avoid displeasing their employer.

7. You reach your goal after grueling hours of sweat and pain.

8. Despite a grueling daily schedule of physiotherapy, the outlook remained bleak.

9. The 28 - year - old actress trained for months for the grueling event.

10. He must also embark on a grueling course of longer-term reforms.

11. Over the next few months he underwent a grueling regimen of chemotherapy.

12. Was it as physically grueling to shoot those scenes as it appeared?

13. Despite the grueling winter, the new year was viewed enthusiastically by both sides.

14. IT WAS to have been the grand climax to 12 years of grueling preparation.

15. Facing grueling employment competition, university graduates may produce all knids of psychologicai problems.

16. 7 For the next grueling year,( I'll be your homeroom teacher.

17. Its feature is a grueling canoe race across the usually semi - frozen St. Lawrence River.

18. Workers in North Korea labor grueling hours in unbearable conditions for almost no pay.

19. The President was working grueling eighteen-hour days trying to save the Great Deal.

20. And after nine months of grueling recovery, he's now eating steak with A1 sauce.

21. Rucker restructured his contract to stay with the Panthers, then started his grueling rehab.

22. His grueling schedule is just one not - so - subtle hint of what he expects from employees.

23. How would a man in the midst of such grueling competition act so joyously?

24. The grueling events of this century should long ago have stripped the luster from those two impostors.

25. While being executive chef at the White House is prestigious, the job also can be grueling.

26. They put him on a bicycle and push him for five grueling hours over mountainous terrain.

27. The Blooded ones were not natural beings, rather than a group of humanoids, enhanced by a grueling ritual

28. If the stations are in different time zones, the work can be grueling, albeit with high visibility and pay.

29. The Bataan Memorial Death March is a challenging and grueling march that tests both mental and physical abilities

30. It was a grueling pace, but it was worth the effort, and Gingrich was willing to do it.

31. The postcards were usually of places we had visited as a family on those grueling summer vacations long ago.

32. Avenger was the only air defense system to successfully complete all environmental testing and a grueling 1500-hours reliability demonstration

33. Or, most memorably, makes her two daughters' music lessons so grueling that one girl leaves tooth marks on the piano?

34. After half a million hours of grueling volunteer labor, more than 90 percent of those oiled penguins were successfully returned to the wild.

35. Friday will bring a 5-mile run, the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week.

36. Ultimately, the leaders emerged Thursday morning, after a grueling 16 hours of negotiations, with a peace deal to show for their efforts.

37. Thousands of families —including little children, pregnant women, and the elderly— were loaded into boxcars for a grueling 20-day-long train trip to Siberia.

38. Its confrontational lyrics originated in an extended piece of verse Dylan wrote in June 1965, when he returned exhausted from a grueling tour of England.

39. The first half-hour of "Pieces of A woman" is a brutal viewing experience, portraying a home birth gone wrong in grueling detail

40. Revenge Lyrics: Creeper / Aw man / So we back in the mine / Got our pickaxe swinging from side to side / Side-side to side / This task, a grueling

41. The "Source" program about the children of the cult of Daniel Ambash brought the testimonies of the children who had been abused in grueling detail

42. In March 2011, after a grueling court process, which incited protests against homophobia in Skopje, the judge finally decided that there were no grounds for libel in the case.

43. Brig. Gen. John Gregg's overstrength brigade, having endured a grueling march from Port Hudson, Louisiana, began marching to Raymond the next morning, arriving late in the afternoon of May 11.

44. Traditionally, Chanteys hold a dual purpose: to entertain off-duty crews, and as work songs sung to lighten the load of grueling onboard chores or harbor-side stevedoring.

45. Until 1888, teams made up of 18 mules and 2 horses hauled dual, 16-foot [5 m] wagons loaded with borax a grueling 165 miles [270 km] to the town of Mojave.

46. Anthropophagous was seized by UK authorities as a 'Video Nasty' and accused of being an actual snuff film. Yet even by '80s Italian gore-spewing standards, this grueling shocker from sex & sleaze maestro Joe D'Amato (Beyond the Darkness) still stands as perhaps the most controversial - and extreme - spaghetti splatter epic of them all.

47. For those who know how grueling it can be to put together a prize-worthy project and devote hundreds of hours of “free” time at night, on weekends, during spring break and summer vacation, doing real, original scientific research while one’s friends are busy Adolescing, the achievement is testimony enough to Ms