ground beetle in English

any of a number of beetles that live mainly on or near the ground, in particular a fast-running predatory beetle of the family Carabidae.
Another aspect of control is to protect natural mosquito predators such as dragonflies, ants, ground beetles , spiders, water striders, frogs and snails.

Use "ground beetle" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ground beetle" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ground beetle", or refer to the context using the word "ground beetle" in the English Dictionary.

1. Blemus discus is a ground beetle species in the genus Blemus.

2. Anthia sexguttata, or the six-spot ground beetle, is a beetle of the Family Carabidae.

3. Amara aenea is a ground beetle common in almost the whole of Europe and Northern Asia.

4. Two other obligate stygobionts were exterminated in the same action – the pseudoscorpion Microcreagris nickajackensis and the ground beetle Pseudanophthalmus nickajackensis.

5. Carabus auratus, the golden ground beetle, is a member of the family Carabidae, or ground beetles, native to central and western parts of Europe.