green woodpecker in English

a large green and yellow woodpecker with a red crown and a laughing call, found from Europe to central Asia.
There was also lots of other great wildlife to see in the area around Malham Cove including nesting little owls, green woodpeckers and redstarts.

Use "green woodpecker" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "green woodpecker" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "green woodpecker", or refer to the context using the word "green woodpecker" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Green Woodpecker - is the largest species of woodpecker in Britain.

2. At any time of year you're likely to see plenty of birds, including nuthatch, green woodpecker and jay.

3. It prefers old mixed coniferous forest with a high proportion of dead trees, feeding primarily on ants, although not being as exclusively dependent on this group as the green woodpecker.

4. More than 75% of the range of the European green woodpecker is in Europe, where it is absent from some northern and eastern parts and from Ireland, Greenland and the Macaronesian Islands, but otherwise distributed widely.

5. The European green woodpecker has a large range and an Estimated Global Extent of Occurrence of between 1 million to 10 million square kilometres, and a population in the region of 920,000 to 2.9 million birds.